Mark Hamby

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The Art of Story Telling: Developing Discernment in an Age of Dystopian Disorder

Speaker: Dr. Mark Hamby The themes of love, compassion, courage, and friendship that dystopian heroes promise as the new rule of order sound good in a story but they do not work in the real world. Love without absolute truth leads to hypocrisy and eventually, oppression. Some may argue that dystopian stories demonstrate sacrificial love […]

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Raise Them Up, Don’t Crush Them Down

Speaker: Dr. Mark Hamby Children need to hear the beating of our hearts rather than the beating of our voices. Listen to their words and you will discover their heart. Rules can change behavior, but not their heart. Discipline is necessary for purposeful disobedience, but irritating character flaws are transformed by truth and loving correction. […]

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The Epic Battle Between Wisdom and Folly

Speaker: Mark Hamby Travel through Proverbs 1-9, and learn why the “fear of God” is a prerequisite to His love and how the “fear of the LORD” can turn careless children into cautious thought-full decision makers. Learning to love what God loves and hate what God hates is foundational for a child’s worldview to develop […]

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The Art of Storytelling

Speaker: Mark Hamby In an age of amusement, we must guard against influences that excite the senses, circumvent reason, and foster gullibility. Through the art of storytelling and the prodding of the mysterious ancient Shepherd of Ecclesiastes 12, learn how to test the worthiness of stories—a collection of words that represent an author’s worldview. Discover […]

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Raise Them Up, Don’t Crush Them Down

Speaker: Mark Hamby Children need to hear the beating of our hearts rather than the beating of our voices. Listen to their words and you will discover their heart. Rules can change behavior, but they can’t change the heart. Discipline is necessary for purposeful disobedience, but irritating character flaws are transformed by mercy. As each […]

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The Art of Storytelling: Developing Discernment in an Age of Distraction

Join Mark Hamby as he explores how the Hebraic art of storytelling cultivates the discipline of discernment. Through the story of Ecclesiastes 12 and prodding influence of the Ancient Shepherd, the biblical principles of delight, truth, and wisdom will help parents and children gain essential knowledge to distinguish between good and evil, fact and fiction. As children and young adults develop their worldview through the exercise of their senses (Hebrews 5:12-14), they will gain an objective filter to test all things (1Thess. 5:21-22). Finally, we’ll discover how the five eternal truths parallel Romans 4 & 5, demonstrating how children can be fully convinced that all things really do work together for good to those who love God (Romans 8 & Eccles. 3).

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A Great Awakening: The Mind, Media and Imagination

This seminar promises to be a great awakening in an age when images deaden our senses and rob us of creative imagination. Based on the timeless principles of Romans 4 and 5, and 2 Peter 1, parents will discover why stories with characters of unwavering character are essential for children of all ages, in all subject areas. Believing that you will be the same five years from now as you are today, except for the people you meet and the books you read, calls for a rebirth of inspiring moral literature! In this dramatized lecture, be prepared to laugh and be brought to tears as Mark Hamby demonstrates the power of character-based literature and exposes the foolishness of Folly’s seductive influences prevalent in today’s “Christian” literature. All attendees will be given an annotated bibliographical catalog of inspiring Christian literature written during the 17th–19th centuries.

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The Epic Battle between Wisdom and Folly

Join Mark Hamby as he takes you on a tour of Proverbs chapters 1-9, demonstrating why the “fear of God” is a prerequisite to His love and how the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. If this is truly the beginning, then why do we search for knowledge in so many places? Learning to love what God loves and hate what God hates will be foundational to a child’s worldview. As the story unfolds, experience the unforgettable tensions between Wisdom’s ways and Folly’s entrapments. Both Wisdom and Folly promise prosperity, prestige, protection, and pleasure. Learning how to distinguish between Folly’s false promises and Wisdom’s guiding truths will help children to develop discernment to avoid false flatterers (peers), beguiling beauty (pornography), and enticing touches (addictions). Through the knowledge gained in this seminar, parents will be equipped to help their children reclaim their vitality and virtue!

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Raise Them Up Don’t Crush Them Down

We don’t only want to build Christ-like character, but there is also a process to achieve this. Teaching parents how to build Christ-like character in their children and what that means for your children as they reach adulthood. Listen Now

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Calling Conquest and Courage

The story of the two criminals on the cross beside Jesus. Learning how literature can pull out great character in ourselves and children. Lamplighter theatre produces wonderful materials in order to encourage Christ-like character. Listen Now

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Let Go: Resolving Conflicts and Restoring Relationships

The goal is to challenge families to go on mission in their cities, to help families see that they are missionaries in their context, and to teach their children from a young age that they are missionaries.

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A Great Awakening: A Rebirth of the Moral Imagination

The US Constitution teaches principles of truth and good government that transfer directly into parental governance in the home. Experience the inspiration of our founding documents as they guide you to define duties, establish authority, and lead.

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