Logic of English

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The Logic of English – A New Way to See Words

Author of The Logic of English shares key reasons of how to teach children how to read. This session will give clear insight of the logic behind reading and spelling. We need to introduce our children to real literature to cultivate a love of learning. Listen Now

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Laying the Foundations for Reading

In this seminar we will discuss the importance of allowing students to follow history as it happened: In order, from ancient times through the present. Teaching history classically produces a well-rounded student who knows the stories from all of history that every educated person should know.

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Laying the Foundations for Reading

Laying the Foundations for Reading – Early Childhood Reading Games and Activities

Literacy is the foundation of all education. By providing preschool children with language learning opportunities that prepare them for reading, we can smooth their transition into the printed word. This workshop presents language learning games and ideas on teaching phonograms to young students, as well as the latest literacy research on early childhood and reading. Each participant is provided a handout with ideas they can use with their children at home.

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