Linda Kane

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Eradicating Learning Challenges and Struggles

Speaker: Linda Kane Don’t LIVE WITH learning challenges or labels. RADICATE THEM! There is nothing more difficult than not knowing how to help your struggling child. Linda will give you reasons for the struggles, and activities to stimulate the brain to produce lasting change. God created us with a specific blueprint. Anything missed or not […]

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Make Learning Fun! Teach the Most Effective and Efficient Way for the Brain

Speaker: Linda Kane The most important aspect of learning is the brain! You will gain insightful techniques for teaching math, reading, spelling, and penmanship. Homeschooling families often agonize over what curriculum to use. Trying to teach to your child’s learning style will LIMIT them. The goal is to make every child an effective learner in […]

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Eradicating All Learning Challenges!

Speaker: Linda Kane Don’t LIVE WITH learning challenges and labels. ERADICATE THEM! There is nothing more difficult than not knowing how to help your struggling child. Linda will give you reasons for the struggles, and activities to stimulate the brain to produce lasting change. God created us with a specific blueprint to follow. Anything missed […]

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

Make Learning Fun! Teach the Most Effective and Efficient Way for the Brain

Speaker: Linda Kane The most important aspect of learning is the brain! You will gain insightful techniques for teaching math, reading, spelling, and penmanship. Homeschooling families often agonize over what curriculum to use. Trying to teach to your child’s learning style will LIMIT them. The goal is to make every child an effective learner in […]

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

Equipped to Conquer: Homeschooling Special Needs

Speaker: Linda Kane You are the expert on your child! Home is the best place to homeschool your precious child with special needs. You can do it! Linda will teach specific, targeted activities for improving their sensory, processing, visual systems and for increasing overall function and ability. Linda will give help with behavior and social […]

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Teaching the Most Effective and Efficient Way for the Brain!

Speaker: Linda Kane The most important aspect of learning is the brain! It’s All About the Brain! Let’s sort it out. You will walk away knowing and understanding efficient and practical techniques for teaching math, math facts, phonics, reading, spelling, and penmanship through proper input and brain stimulation. Homeschooling families often agonize over what curriculum […]

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Conquering Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and Other Learning Challenges!

Speaker: Linda Kane Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and Learning Disabilities are not diseases. They are not permanent obstacles that an individual must learn to settle and live with. A person with these labels does not need coping or compensating skills. These are all symptoms of neurological disorganization. Don’t live with them….eliminate them! When you go to […]

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Equipped to Conquer: Homeschooling When There are Challenges

Speaker: Linda Kane Struggling with learning challenges and special needs often makes school difficult, the environment negative, and leaves the parents feeling hopeless. There IS hope and help that can turn the entire situation around! You can do it! You CAN homeschool when there are challenges! Your child is precious! Whether they have a special […]

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Let’s Fix It!

Speaker: Linda Kane When the brain doesn’t receive, process, and store information learned adequately; there will be corresponding memory, emotional, behavioral, and sensory challenges. When there are blocks to learning, things tend to turn negative, bringing frustration and disorganization into the home. Everything can change! The path to reaching our full God-given potential includes becoming […]

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Let’s Fix It!

Speaker: Linda Kane When the brain doesn’t receive, process, and store information learned adequately; there will be corresponding memory, emotional, behavioral, and sensory challenges. When there are blocks to learning, things tend to turn negative, bringing frustration and disorganization into the home. Everything can change! The path to reaching our full God-given potential includes becoming […]

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Teaching the Most Effective and Efficient Way for the Brain!

Speaker: Linda Kane The most important aspect of learning is the brain! It’s All About the Brain! Let’s sort it out. You will walk away knowing and understanding efficient and practical techniques for teaching math, math facts, phonics, reading, spelling, and penmanship through proper input and brain stimulation. Homeschooling families often agonize over what curriculum […]

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Conquering Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and Other Learning Challenges!

Speaker: Linda Kane Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and Learning Disabilities are not diseases. They are not permanent obstacles that an individual must learn to settle and live with. A person with these labels does not need coping or compensating skills. These are all symptoms of neurological disorganization. Don’t live with them….eliminate them! When you go to […]

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Teaching the Most Effective and Efficient Way For the Brain. By Linda Kane

The most important aspect of learning is the brain! It’s All About the Brain! Let’s sort it out. You will walk away knowing and understanding efficient and practical techniques for teaching math, math facts, phonics, reading, spelling, and penmanship through proper input and brain stimulation.Homeschooling families often agonize over what curriculum to use. They get […]

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Equipped to Conquer: Homeschooling When There are Challenges

Speaker: Linda Kane Struggling with learning challenges and special needs often makes school difficult, the environment negative, and leaves the parents feeling hopeless. There IS hope and help that can turn the entire situation around! You can do it! You CAN homeschool when there are challenges! Your child is precious! Whether they have a special […]

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Teaching the Most Effective and Efficient Way for the Brain!

Speaker: Linda Kane The most important aspect of learning is the brain! It’s All About the Brain! Let’s sort it out. You will walk away knowing and understanding efficient and practical techniques for teaching math, math facts, phonics, reading, spelling, and penmanship through proper input and brain stimulation. Homeschooling families often agonize over what curriculum […]

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Conquering Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and Other Learning Challenges!

Speaker: Linda Kane Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and Learning Disabilities are not diseases. They are not permanent obstacles that an individual must learn to settle and live with. A person with these labels does not need coping or compensating skills. These are all symptoms of neurological disorganization. Don’t live with them….eliminate them! When you go to […]

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The Sensory Child

Speaker: Linda Kane There may be nothing vaguer, scarier or uncertain then receiving a label of Autism for your child. If your child hasn’t been labeled Autistic, but has many of the sensory seeking behaviors, what do you do? There are many opinions and therapies for treating Autism or sensory issues. What works? The costs […]

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Home Educating When There Are Challenges

Speaker: Linda Kane Whether your child has a special needs label, a learning disability concern or they are just not learning like they should, this is the session for you. We will give insight and understanding into why your child/children are struggling and what to do to turn those struggles around. Your child’s potential is […]

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Building Strong Foundation for Learning – At Any Age

Speaker: Linda Kane What you do the first five years of life will impact your child’s learning for life. Those “preschool years” are critical for building a strong foundation for all children. The potential of any individual is based upon the opportunities and stimulation presented to them. When enhanced and targeted stimulation is introduced in […]

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Conquering ADD, ADHD, and Dyslexia

Speaker: Linda Kane When you go to the internet and look up Dyslexia, ADHD and ADD, what you find is very bleak, no-solution and life-limiting information. The words “NO CURE” are frequently stated. The truth is that Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD and other Learning Disabilities are often nothing more than Neurological Disorganization. Neurological disorganization which can […]

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When There Are Challenges

Whether your child has a special needs label, a learning disability concern or they are just not learning like they should, this is the session for you. We will give insight and understanding into why they are struggling and what to do to turn those struggles around. Your child’s potential is dependent upon opportunities given to them. We will help you learn how to give your children greater opportunities, so they can succeed. You will be given specifics for how to implement those greater opportunities in daily life. Learn how activities lasting a mere 2-5 minutes could make a dramatic difference for your child’s future. Help your child overcome to reach their fullest, God given potential.

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The Four Steps of Learning

Learning consists of four steps. No matter what is going on with an individual, each person (whether special needs or typically developing) should go through these same 4 steps. First, the brain receives the information being inputted. Next, the brain must process the information it has received. Third, the brain needs to store that information. Finally, the brain has to use the information. Again, this four-step pattern for learning is the same for every person. There are multiple factors which can affect each step of learning and cause corresponding challenges. In this session, learn about these 4 steps of learning and how to optimize each step to become an excellent, efficient learner.

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Pieces of the Puzzle – Neuroplasticity

The NeuroDevelopmental Approach is like no other approach to human development. It is unique in its way of looking at the whole individual, not the separate pieces. Taking the individual pieces and understanding how they interrelate, helps you look at the entire individual, will greatly enhance what you do with your child. We will discuss neuroplasticity and how the amazing central nervous system God created works. From the moment of birth brain cells die. Every second, every minute, every day brain cells die. Although brain cells continue to die, the brain increases in size. The increase in size and weight of a maturing child’s brain is a reflection of the growth of the connections between the brain cells. The brain grows connections through stimulation – specific stimulation. Whether your child is typically developing, brain injured, has a genetic concern or learning challenges this information will greatly help your children and thus enhance your homeschool experience.

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