Leslie Nunnery

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Refocus on your Marriage (Ladies Only)

Speaker – Leslie Nunnery The world is full of messaging that breeds discontent— your finances are not enough, your opportunities are not enough, your marriage is not enough, etc. Instagram and Facebook absolutely breed that discontent and encourage us to lean into it and feast on it. So, it’s time to refocus our hearts and […]

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The Power of Prayer For Parents

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery Are you strategic in the way you pray for your children? For your husband? For yourself? Let’s look together at how God will fundamentally change the way you approach parenting, marriage, and every other area of your life through the way you pray. Then, we will all spend some time praying together […]

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Homeschool For The Heart- How Great Parents become AMAZING Home Educators

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery Homeschooling is a great thing. It provides the finest quality, tailored education your children can have, and it gives you the opportunity to build relationships, explore the world together, and so much more. But homeschooling is not an end in itself. Rather, homeschooling is a fantastic tool for discipleship and growth. In […]

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Refocus on Marriage (Women Only)

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery The world is full of messaging that breeds discontent— your finances are not enough, your opportunities are not enough, your marriage is not enough, etc. Instagram and Facebook absolutely breed that discontent and encourage us to lean into it and feast on it. So, it’s time to refocus our hearts and minds […]

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For the Heart Of Your Homeschool – Leslie Nunnery

Homeschooling is a great thing. It provides the finest quality, tailored education your children can have, and it gives you the opportunity to build relationships, explore the world together, and so much more. But, homeschooling is not an end in itself. Rather, homeschooling is a fantastic tool for discipleship and growth. In this session, we’ll […]

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4 Steps to a Successful Homeschool Year — Leslie Nunnery

With August here, it’s back to homeschool season whether we’re ready for it or not! Today’s conversation will be all about a few simple things you can do to ensure the best homeschool year for your family yet! Leslie will share really simple things to revolutionize your new year whether it’s your first back to […]

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