learning style

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Teaching the Child You Have

Speaker: Rebecca Spooner We all walk into homeschooling with some sort of preconceived notions, and for most of us… we are in for a rude awakening. Our first year we buy books based on what we like and we plan our days based on our schedules, without taking into account the complete curveball that is […]

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Identifying Your Child’s Learning Style and Learning to Teach It

Speaker: Dr. Sandi Queen What works for one child does not necessarily work for another. Find out your child’s learning style, and how to reach and teach him best! Listen Now

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Foundation of Learning Styles

Speaker: Jan BedellLearning from the journey of homeschooling her own daughter with learning disabilities, Jan Bedell shares encouragement of how to teach children with special needs, learning delays, and more! (more…)

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Out of the Box Homeschooling

A practical look at the first steps into homeschooling your child with special needs. Whether you are just starting homeschooling and have a special blessing or this is your 4th child and they learn completely differently from the others homeschooling outside the box doesn’t have to be lonely or an uphill battle. You can effectively meet your child’s unique needs and excel! Let me show you a variety of ways to make it happen.

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Creating Joyful Learner through the Power of Play

Register for our session on “Creating Joyful Learner through the Power of Play” to see and learn strategies that make the learning experience fun, while improving retention and recall in the minds of our students.
Play is an important part of children’s learning and development. Active learning strategies make learning fun, while increasing engagement and student performance.
In a recent study, researchers found that cognitive word games can improve lexical memory access and decision-making processes.
Recent studies have found that cognitive games are a good strategy for effectively improving students’ performance by keeping them engaged (Annetta, Minogue, Holmes, & Cheng, 2009; Kim, Park, & Baek, 2009). When students build a strong academic vocabulary early in life, their chances for success will be significantly higher later in life.
Gamification is a new concept that promotes the use of games to enhance student engagement, memory, and improve the learning experience (Annetta,2010)

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Learning Is Not Fun – and That’s Okay

Emphasis on “fun”? sets you up for failure and creates unrealistic expectations, unfair to the student. There is no way to entertain and learn at the same time. You cannot compete with all of the many kinds of fun that are available today. You can do what entertainment cannot do, which is to give the student the satisfaction of learning and accomplishment.

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Following the Lead of Your Young Child

One+One+One=One Blogger Montessori based education for your little ones. Learning how to connect with your younger children and follow their lead in their education. Listen Now

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So What Exactly is a Lapbook

The lapbook and how you can use a lapbook with anything your child is currently learning! Anything can be made into a lapbook! Hear how to make a lapbook and the many benefits for hands on learners! Listen Now

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Charlotte Mason and Her Methods

Join Sonya for a practical and encouraging overview of the simple yet effective methods used in the Charlotte Mason approach. You will learn about Charlotte and experience using her methods for yourself during the session.

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An Introduction to Multiple Intelligences

Blogger of “Meet Penny” shares about Kidsmet and how it will revolutionize your homeschooling. Tuning our homeschool style to meeting our kids needs. When you find the “sweet spot”, it will develop a love of learning in your children. Listen Now

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Getting What You Teach to Stick

Does your child know something one day, and not the next? Are you constantly looking for new and different approaches teaching the same information? Is much of your teaching more accurately

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