Leah Nieman

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Connected Teens, Connected Families

The Bible calls Christians to RESIST evil. But Scripture also calls us to be God’s hands and feet in His great work of REDEEMING and RESTORING creation. This presentation includes real life examples of Christians actively engaged in redemptive work in media today ??? along with practical tips about how we can ???go and do likewise.???

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Guiding our Kids through Social Media 101

This seminar will share how families all over the country are learning to hide God’s Word in their heart! Mega Verses includes 48 passages of scripture put to music covering 25 verses that every family should know. If your looking for a great resource and ideas on how to start your family memorizing chunks of scripture, then you need to check out Mega Verses.

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Connected Teens, Connected Families

Parents and Teens learn together in this session. Leah will discuss the most popular social media platforms available for teens. She’ll cover basic social media principals for teens and their families as well as go over how to set up and use a variety of social media platforms. She’ll also cover safety issues. This is a fun and engaging session for the family!

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