Jonathan Lewis

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The Socialization Deception; Redefining the Debate

Editor of Homeschool Enrichment Magazine, Jonathan Lewis addresses the lie of socialization. How do we change the debate of socialization? This wonderful session debunks the many lies that are believed surrounding homeschool. Listen Now

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Debunked! Answering "Salt and Light" and Other Arguments Against Homeschooling

Jonathan Lewis addresses the many arguments against homeschooling and why they do not matter! God has given parents the children they have an have appointed them to raise and teach their children. Jonathan Lewis will share real truth that will encourage your heart and ways to guard your heart against the arguments and negativity of […]

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Speaking Out: Five Reasons Why I’m Glad to be a Homeschool Graduate

Jonathan Lewis, the editor of Homeschool Enrichment Magazine, gives input on why he is glad that he is a homeschool graduate. This session will give you assurance as you homeschool through high school and graduation as well. Listen Now

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Speaking Out: Five Reasons Why I’m Glad to be a Homeschool Graduate

What does a homeschool graduate think of home education? Come find out! In this inspiring presentation, homeschool-graduate-now-adult Jonathan Lewis shares the reasons why he’s delighted to count himself among the ranks of the homeschooled. With humor, personal experience, and insight gleaned from more than twenty years of being around homeschoolers, Jonathan shares a compelling message of hope and vision.

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