Jeff Reep

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Choosing a Major/College/Career: It’s Better to Get It Right Than Fast

Speaker: Jeff Reep In light of the fact that 66% of college students change their majors more than once and on the day of graduation 40% of college graduates wish they had a different major, it’s important to start early and take this decision seriously. Individuals often make decisions without much thought and with limited […]

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Raising Godly Men

Speaker: Jeff Reep Firmly rooted in the belief that God gives instruction in Scripture on child training and the Holy Spirit empowers parents by His grace to carry out the instructions, you will hear a Biblical perspective on parenting. After raising five boys to men and investing 26 consecutive years of homeschooling you’ll learn two […]

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Choosing a Major, College, Career

Speaker: Jeff Reep In light of the fact that 66% of college students change their majors more than once and on the day of graduation 40% of college graduates wish they had a different major, it’s important to start early and take this decision seriously. Individuals often make decisions without much thought and with limited […]

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Choosing a major

Choosing a Major/College/Career

Better to get it right than to get it fast. 66% of students will change their major more than once. Begin college confident in what God’s calling is on your life and pursue a major to get a solid foundation for your career life. Listen Now

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