Isreal Wayne

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Transform Learning Through the Art of Asking Questions

Isreal WayneWhether you are a parent, seeking to motivate your reluctant learner, or you desire to break through your own limitations, you will make more progress if you learn to listen better and ask the right questions (the right way!). Learn how you can help yourself (and others) recognize hidden assumptions, and overcome obstacles, through […]

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The Power of Affirmation (to Motivate Reluctant Students)

When you are trying to inspire and motivate children, there are two forces that are often exerted: positive and negative reinforcement. In this session, Israel explains the importance of affirmation as a way to inspire and motivate your reluctant child. Drawing from practical and Biblical examples, this session will help you to keep those important relational connections as you are attempting to impart knowledge.

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Education Does God Have An Opinion

What does the Bible say about education and does it even matter? This session will share clear insight about what the Bible has to say and what God desires for parents as the disciple their children in truth. Scripture is authoritative on everything it speaks and it speaks on everything- including education. Listen Now

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Homeschooling From A Biblical Worldview

Are your children prepared to face the “Real World”? Learn how to equip your children to stand against the flood of secularism that threatens to drown them. What is your worldview? How are you going to transfer it to your children? Will you be more effective than the media and popular culture? Discover how to teach your children to view the core subjects (and all of life) through the lenses of scripture.

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