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The Secret to Homeschool Freedom

Speaker: Darren Jones The best way to safeguard the future is to learn from the past. Homeschooling’s history of close calls and exciting victories sheds light on upcoming challenges to homeschool freedom. Come hear the secret to keeping homeschool freedom free. Listen Now

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Compelling Case for Homeschooling

Are you curious about home education, but not sure if you’re ready to make the commitment? Do you have a friend or family member saying you’re crazy if you homeschool? Join HSLDA Staff Attorney and homeschooling father of seven, Mike Donnelly, and see why homeschooling may be the right choice for you. Mike will help you understand the basics, show how homeschooled students often outshine their public-school peers, and shed light on the myths surrounding homeschooling.

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A Mom’s Sentimental Journey

HSLDA advocates for homeschoolers and offers so much help for your homeschool journey! A talk about homeschooling from a mom of 20+ years who has launched many children and homeschooled dozens of children. Listen Now

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This week we’ll be looking at homeschooling from a legal perspective. What do we need to be aware of? How can we know what’s illegal in our states? What are some pitfalls that homeschool families fall into? Mike Donnelly with HSLDA joins us to share some insight.

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Learning Is Fun

In February, we’ll take a look at how fun learning can be – no reason to fall into a rut with Valentine’s Day in sight! I also want to talk about the importance of discernment. We live in a fallen world filled with lies, but the good news is: we have the truth. We’ll also be joined by a special guest from HSLDA to discuss how we homeschool legally. Lastly, we are going to talk about co-ops. Do you need them or do you not? There are many good options out there– let’s talk about that! Make sure to join us in February!

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