homeschooling special needs

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Put the A+ in Austism with Homeschooling

Speaker: Heather Laurie You can successfully, responsibly and with great joy homeschool your child with autism! Using techniques like year-round homeschooling, adjusting for sensory needs, making room for needed therapy without losing learning time, and so much more. We talk about setting attainable goals and how to get there? Listen Now

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Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD-There is Hope for Change

Do you suspect Dyslexia/ADD/ADHD or other learning labels? Dr. Jan will guide you through the root causes of symptomatic labels and give practical skills for training your child’s brain to eliminate the symptoms. Parents can be the key to breaking free of labels and reaching beyond their limiting, negative effects! Open a brilliant future for your child through understanding how the brain works . . . or why it doesn’t currently seem to be working so well.

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Special needs

Equipped to Conquer: Homeschooling the Special Needs Child

Do you want to home school your child with needs outside the realm of traditional curriculum? The question is often, “Can I be equipped to home school my child with special needs?” The answer is a resounding YES! Often the traditional treatment for struggling learners is more one-on-one instruction. All you need is some specific direction about what will make the most difference in that customized teaching time. Here, you will also learn the pros and cons of labeling.

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You CAN Homeschool Your Kids With Dyslexia

PASSOVER=The Lamb of God, Yeshua (Jesus), crucified on Passover(Jn18:39). UNLEAVENED BREAD=Bread without yeast does not decay. Messiah was in grave during Feast of Unleavened Bread with no corruption or decay (Acts13:37;Exd12:17). FIRSTFRUITS= Messiah raised from dead, the firstfruits of those asleep (1Cor15:2). PENTECOST=5 days after Firstfruits (Acts2). FEAST OF TABERNACLES= The Word became flesh and dwelt (tabernacled) among us (Jn1:14).

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Thinking About Homeschooling Your Child with Special Needs?

One of the goals of Christian home education is to lay foundations for faith that will stand the tests of life. You’ll learn how to teach your children to draw near to Christ and hold fast to the foundational tenets of the Christian faith.

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You CAN Homeschool Your Kids With Dyslexia

Dyslexia effects 20% of our kids. Research shows that dyslexic kids become dyslexic adults. Early intervention with researched-based teaching methods can help your child avoid many of the struggles with school caused by poor reading skills. This session will help parents understand what dyslexia is and what it isn’t, provide practical help to understand learning styles and how to choose teaching methods that are more effective. The session will also include encouragement for the day to day struggles, both academic and emotional, and conclude with learning the advantages to the dyslexic way of thinking.

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Taking Control of ADHD, ADD, LD, ODD, Asperger’s, Autism & Other Common Conditions

How do you know your child has these symptoms?  Dr. Paul Cates and Dr. Kirk Cates of Faith Christian Ministries will discuss the importance of knowing what is going on and then knowing what to do. During the workshop, they will provide information on how you can homeschool a child with one of more of these symptoms.  In addition, they will discuss that many problems are more complex than your diagnosis might suggest. 

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Teaching Your Preschooler with Special Needs

In this session, we will discuss the benefits and realistic expectations for homeschooling your preschooler with special needs. We will also review the components of teaching a preschooler using a hands-on approach and learn how to modify and adapt lessons and activities to meet your child’s needs.

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Does my Child Have a Learning Disability

When a homeschooled child seems to flounder for no easily identified reason, parents often exhaust themselves in their search for answers. At some point a parent may wonder if there might be a learning disability at the root of their child’s struggle. Kristen and her husband have designed this workshop to help parents sort out the difference between routine struggles and those that could well be a learning disability.

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Special Needs Homeschooling? Yes, You Can!

Is it legal to homeschool a child with a special need? What about IEPs, therapy, and finding curriculums that work? From gifted children to families dealing with significant health issues, let’s talk about how to successfully start the homeschooling journey.

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