homeschooling resources

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Modern History That Shook the World!

Want to better understand the headlines? Planning to teach modern history? Then you need “Modern History That Shook the World!” Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of the award-winning series, The Mystery of History, as she recounts world-shaking events from the 20th century to present day from a biblical worldview. With vivid snapshots of the Cold War, the Formation of Israel, the War in Korea, the Collapse of the Soviet Union, and more, students and teachers will not only see the past more clearly, but be better prepared for the future!

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Laid Back Joy Filled and No Guilt

Speaker: Pat Wesolowski Learning how to relax and enjoy the process of learning through every day life. There are so many opportunities each day that open the door for learning! Listen Now

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Write Right Away! Fostering Your Child’s Inner Author

How do you give your child a safe environment to play with words? Encourage the storyteller in your pre-reading child by capturing his own words in print. Learn how to partner with your young student to compose stories about things he cares about. The more he composes with you, the easier it will be for him to advance from a blank page to a finished composition. Like learning to walk, writing takes experimentation, time, gradual improvement, and daily cheerleading!

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Homeschooling Today: Up-to-date Review of Homeschool Laws, Legislation, and Legal Issues in Georgia

Do you know what is legally required to homeschool in Georgia? Dan breaks down Georgia homeschool law in easy-to-understand steps to help you homeschool with confidence. He also highlights legal issues and legislation that impact homeschooling and shares some of the ways he is advocating on behalf of homeschooling families.

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My Child Reads Fluently but Her Comprehension is Terrible!

How does your phonics instruction affect your child’s reading comprehension? What techniques can you use before, during, and after reading to help your child comprehend? How does the comprehension taught in reading instruction affect other subject areas?

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Learning Is Not Fun – and That’s Okay

Emphasis on “fun”? sets you up for failure and creates unrealistic expectations, unfair to the student. There is no way to entertain and learn at the same time. You cannot compete with all of the many kinds of fun that are available today. You can do what entertainment cannot do, which is to give the student the satisfaction of learning and accomplishment.

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How to Simplify Your Homeschooling

Speaker: Kristi Clover Learn how to make education a fun learning experience! Kristi explains how she over bought curriculum and put a lot of pressure on herself and her children. You cannot do it all! Learn how to simplify your day and learning to make learning fun and enjoyable! Listen Now

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Building Reading Comprehension through Cognitive Skill Building

Cognitive strength is key in being able to understand, remember, and apply what is being read. In order to read for understanding, a student must go beyond decoding skills and phonetics. By utilizing and building core skills, a student can dramatically improve their understanding, retention and application of written text. This seminar will discuss the basics of reading comprehension and how cognitive training can improve outcomes.

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How To Homeschool With Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus

This session provides a very practical look at how homeschooling can be a great blessing for your family– and how you as a homeschool mom can truly grow through the process. We’ll get an overview of home education from the start of your journey to the finish line, so you’ll feel better prepared for every step of the way. This time will be followed by a time of questions from the audience.

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The Four Steps of Learning

Learning consists of four steps. No matter what is going on with an individual, each person (whether special needs or typically developing) should go through these same 4 steps. First, the brain receives the information being inputted. Next, the brain must process the information it has received. Third, the brain needs to store that information. Finally, the brain has to use the information. Again, this four-step pattern for learning is the same for every person. There are multiple factors which can affect each step of learning and cause corresponding challenges. In this session, learn about these 4 steps of learning and how to optimize each step to become an excellent, efficient learner.

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Crash Course in American History

Parents, has it been awhile since you studied American history? Do you need a refresher course to teach this subject with confidence? If so, join Linda Lacour Hobar, the author of The Mystery of History, for an insightful and inspiring “Crash Course in American History.”? Offered in two sessions this weekend, Part II will complete the Civil War and cover Chief Joseph, Pearl Harbor, Bay of Pigs, Dr. King, Watergate, and more – taking you up to today’s War on Terror. (If you missed Part I, come anyway! Both sessions will be recorded and available for purchase.) Students of all ages are welcome!

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Make Learning Easier!

The foundation of all learning abilities is the efficient functioning of the brain. Remember your old dial-up connection to the Internet? Is your child’s brain like a computer with a slow connection speed?What is a parent to do? You could buy another curriculum OR you could address the

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Sole Custody Grandparents

More and more grandparents have sole custody of their grandchildren and now more are stepping into the role of homeschooling their grandchildren. Come be encouraged and become equipped to know you are not alone in this journey! Listen Now

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Latin Might Make You a Genius

It is easy to understand how good nutrition will make you healthier and exercise will make you stronger, but are there subjects that can make you smarter? In this workshop we’ll talk about how (and why) one really old language can change everything for those who dare to master it.

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Young girl doing math problems on the whiteboard

The Truth About Math Studies

Leigh Bortins, math curriculum developer, will provide insight to the truth of math, both it’s study and what it teaches, as well as ways to engage reluctant learners in a practical manner.

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Experience Excellence in Writing

Come and discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports, and essays with style. Best of all, parents and students alike find it easy to use and effective in all their writing endeavors. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how you can get started with even the most reluctant writing student so you can give it a try at home.

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When Your Homeschool Isn’t Picture Perfect

Social media makes it much too easy for us to be deceived into false notions of what a perfect homeschool looks like. Karen will share how we are to live for God’s standards and not the world’s. After all, we are not staging a photo, but raising disciples.

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How To Teach Your Child To Learn Independently

Discover practical strategies for teaching your child HOW to learn. This workshop will give you the tools to guide your child as they gradually transition to learning independently and learn to organize their academic life. Whether you have preschoolers or high schoolers you can decrease burnout, develop successful students, and bring peace into your home once again. Come experience a renewed vision for your homeschool.

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Building a Solid Math Foundation

Who is going to build a house by starting with the walls? Without a solid foundation, those walls
may hold up for a bit but eventually will come crashing down. Math is a lot like building a house.
We need to start with a strong foundation and build up from there. It doesn’t have to be hard!
Come and see how easy it is to teach math.

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How and Why to Incorporate Educational Travel into Your Homeschool

Teaching and learning can be fun! There are many ways students can learn through real-life experiences including educational travel. Many of us think of educational travel as something that is too expensive or too difficult. But educational travel doesn’t have to be to far-off or expensive destinations. It can include those, but with planning and budgeting, educational travel can be a reality for most homeschooling families! Why is educational travel important anyway? Because students can learn so much more through travel than they can with traditional academics alone! Not only can they learn about the states, cities, landmarks, and map skills in a hands-on way, but they can also learn more about relationship building, problem solving, and other life skills that they can’t learn effectively in any other way. We will share some practical, affordable ways to incorporate educational travel into your homeschool

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Getting Started Homeschooling: Everything from A to Z

This session is a practical “how-to” workshop, intended to help new home educators meet the Ohio state requirements for notification and assessment. Melanie will review Ohio’s homeschool regulations in a way that is interactive and engaging, as well as provide examples of notifications and Ohio’s assessment options. Whether you are in the process of deciding to home educate or you are ready to begin, this is an important session that will provide answers to all your homeschool questions!

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A Mom’s Sentimental Journey

HSLDA advocates for homeschoolers and offers so much help for your homeschool journey! A talk about homeschooling from a mom of 20+ years who has launched many children and homeschooled dozens of children. Listen Now

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A Grandmother’s Reflections on 35 Years of Homeschooling

Founder of Classical Conversations Leigh Bortins share stories about homeschooling and reflecting on how classical education transformed education. Listen Now

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