homeschooling elementary

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

How to Homeschool With Confidence

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery, Rachael Carman Veteran homeschool moms of many will share with you some actionable strategies to start homeschooling well and to keep your homeschool efforts on track as you move forward. This session will cover everything from why you should homeschool to how to choose curriculum, what a typical day can look like […]

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Learning Through Play

Play is an important brain-building activity. Children, teens and adults all benefit from participating in play as it is an essential part of life and development. In this session, we will explore ways to incorporate play into your homeschool to unlock the power of this valuable learning tool. Come join us for a fun and engaging workshop!

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The Importance of Art in the Homeschool

Why is art vitally important in the development of our child’s education? It’s a tool that promotes creativity in solving life problems and growth intellectually. By working their way through art projects, students learn wise decision-making, creative strategies, and the importance of completing a task. Whether your child is artistic or not, you will understand why art is such a vital tool in their personal development.

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Beauty and Reason for Mathematics

Most people are not neutral in their feelings towards mathematics.  Either they like it, or they hate it. Join us to see how all of math from arithmetic to calculus can be summarized in three simple charts.   You will walk away being able to see the big picture of mathematics with the perspective that math was created by God, revealing another piece of His picture.

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The Writer Within: Unlocking Your Child’s Creative Writing Potential

In this session, author Sandi Queen, five of whose children are award-winning authors, talks about how to encourage even the most reluctant writer to get creative and get writing!

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Teaching Handwriting with Success

Developing fluid, legible handwriting is foundational to education, yet this basic skill is often neglected in today’s world of computers. Explore the history of handwriting education and methods for teaching handwriting, so that all students succeed. This workshop provides practical information like handwriting games and practical ideas that can be used as soon as parents return to teaching.

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Laying the Foundations for Reading

Laying the Foundations for Reading – Early Childhood Reading Games and Activities

Literacy is the foundation of all education. By providing preschool children with language learning opportunities that prepare them for reading, we can smooth their transition into the printed word. This workshop presents language learning games and ideas on teaching phonograms to young students, as well as the latest literacy research on early childhood and reading. Each participant is provided a handout with ideas they can use with their children at home.

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Preschool and Kindergarten Without Tears!

Preschoolers are like sponges, eager and ready to learn, but it must be fun and engaging. Learn how to implement a multi-sensory approach to learning that will leave you and your preschooler smiling!

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Surviving Struggling To Read

What do you do when it’s not that easy? When reading isn’t happening when you thought it would? Melanie and her son, Samuel, who learned to read well at 11, talk about the struggle and give you hope for the future.

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Teaching Biblical Worldview to Ages 6-14

Are you intimidated by the idea of teaching biblical worldview at home? What is a worldview, anyway, and why should you teach worldview as part of your curriculum? And what is the best method for teaching a biblical worldview to elementary and junior high children? Establishing a clear, biblical worldview and a strong foundation in basic Christian doctrine will inoculate your children against the false teachings and worldly values they will one day encounter during the critical teen years. This workshop will give you the confidence and tools you need to cover this vital subject with your children.

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What Are You Thinking? Learning Styles and Beyond

What Are You Thinking? Learning Styles and Beyond

So often, learning style materials pour all their time and energy into finding the right label for your child’s learning style. Thet don’t often get beyond that. This talk is BIG on the “beyond.” How do you TEACH your child on Monday morning? This session will be all about “what do we do now?”

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