Homeschool To College

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Are Your Children Ready For Dual Enrollment– How To Know. An Interview with Pat Wesolowski

Pat Wesolowski is a homeschool veteran and a homeschool advisor for Bryan College. She and Leslie discuss dual credits, including ways to know if your child is ready for dual credits, if they are a good idea for them, what dual credits to consider, how to help your children prepare, and so much more. Whether […]

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teaching multiple grades at once

Teaching Several Grades at Once

Teaching several grade levels all together can seem daunting. However, what might at first appear to be overwhelming can be turned into an asset in your homeschool. Let’s look together at planning ahead, group teaching, leading older children in sharing knowledge (and boundaries for this approach), and ideas that bring the family together.

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Experience Excellence in Writing

Come and discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports, and essays with style. Best of all, parents and students alike find it easy to use and effective in all their writing endeavors. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how you can get started with even the most reluctant writing student so you can give it a try at home.

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How Home Education Prepared Me for Public Office

Sarah Fowler is the first homeschool graduate to serve on a State Board of Education. In this session she will be exploring key education experiences that prepared her for service in state government and how the lack of training in these areas has undermined the ministry and service of others. Sarah will explore the benefits of Christian mentorship in her personal and spiritual development and share how she has reciprocated by mentoring young people as well.

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Building a Solid Math Foundation

Who is going to build a house by starting with the walls? Without a solid foundation, those walls
may hold up for a bit but eventually will come crashing down. Math is a lot like building a house.
We need to start with a strong foundation and build up from there. It doesn’t have to be hard!
Come and see how easy it is to teach math.

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Career Exploration for High School Students

Too many students graduate from high school with no idea what career they should pursue. Homeschool mother and author, Carol Topp, will offer steps, resources, and her experiences in helping students pursue a career path unique for them.

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Hebrews 11: 23 and 2 Kings 3:16. The secret of our Homeschooling “Why” and “How”

The “secret” to success in Homeschooling is there’s no secret! The elements of success in Homeschooling match those in discipleship, marriage, parenting, entrepreneurship and gardening.

My husband introduced me to gardening in 1981. I was ready to wean our 13-month old twins to baby food. He argued for a garden because “we don’t know who’s bottling that!” When I balked he said “Sweetie Pie, gardening is like pastoring and parenting. All require daily attention to detail in the same posture of humility, ‘head bowed, body bent.’ Folks who don’t have time to garden probably don’t have time to parent.” I joined him in the garden and learned the “secret” works in discipleship, marriage, parenting, entrepreneurship, gardening, and of course homeschooling. It isn’t easy but it’s also not complex. Homeschooling three sons to a state of holistic health required a challenging yet simple Morning by Morning approach. I’d love to share our “Why” and “How” Homeschooling “secrets” with you.

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Getting Started Homeschooling: Everything from A to Z

This session is a practical “how-to” workshop, intended to help new home educators meet the Ohio state requirements for notification and assessment. Melanie will review Ohio’s homeschool regulations in a way that is interactive and engaging, as well as provide examples of notifications and Ohio’s assessment options. Whether you are in the process of deciding to home educate or you are ready to begin, this is an important session that will provide answers to all your homeschool questions!

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5 Most Common Misunderstandings about College: What You Don’t Know Will Cost You

The college landscape has changed significantly over the last five years, and families today have more options than ever when it comes to pursuing a college degree. However, as stewards of God’s greatest gifts to us, our children, how can we make wise choices? With over 50 combined years of higher education experience, we are positioned to help you make the most of your options and avoid common mistakes.

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How to Select a College and Prepare Your Student to not just Survive but Thrive.

Over 50% of students walk away from the church during their first two years of college. In this
session, Dr. Thomas White, Cedarville University President, theology professor, published
author, and homeschool dad will present straight forward truth and insider tips from almost 20
years in higher education leadership. Topics addressed will include: how to determine what a
school really teaches; tips for the application process and scholarships; and preparing your
student spiritually to not just survive but thrive in college.

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Home School to Graduate School via World Missions

The 4-5 years and high cost of traditional college often impedes Great Commission obedience. This need not occur: the foreign language and cross-cultural skills needed to minster the Gospel to unreached peoples also comprise the core of a liberal arts degree. Learn how, via credit-by-exam and portfolio assessment, engaging in Christian missions can yield both a B.A. degree and foster an agenda for graduate school.

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Simplifying College Prep

There are a lot of options out there when it comes to college preparation. Do we dual enroll? Take the AP, CLEP, DSST, ECE? Is the PSAT necessary? How do I decide between the ACT/SAT? Should I take a gap year? If my child has no idea what he/she wants to do, should we even be looking at college?

There are a lot of different ways to prepare for a career path. We know you have heard lots from your friends, and it can become overwhelming very easily. In this workshop we are going to guide you through a series of questions that allow you to evaluate where you are at as a family, and simplify down what tests, tools and approaches make sense for your exact situation.

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Preparing for College

Just when parents are getting the hang of homeschooling High School – College hopes and fears begin to loom on the horizon. What, really, do College Profs expect from students? With over 17 years experience teaching Psychology at a local college, Diane Benson provides insight into what professors want from students, how to be better students and ways to make freshman year (or Dual Enrollment) easier.

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How To Homeschool With Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus

This session provides a very practical look at how homeschooling can be a great blessing for your family– and how you as a homeschool mom can truly grow through the process. We’ll get an overview of home education from the start of your journey to the finish line, so you’ll feel better prepared for every step of the way. This time will be followed by a time of questions from the audience.

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Homeschool From the Beginning

When do you get started and what do you do first? We’ve had precocious readers and we’ve had late bloomers, but every one of them has benefited from being homeschooled from the beginning. Learn to relax and introduce your little ones to the joy of learning in a gentle and realistic way that will prepare them for academic success!

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Preparing for College

Just when parents are getting the hang of homeschooling High School – College hopes and fears begin to loom on the horizon. What, really, do College Profs expect from students? With over 17 years experience teaching Psychology at a local college, Diane Benson provides insight into what professors want from students, how to be better students and ways to make freshman year (or Dual Enrollment) easier.

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Gap Year with a Purpose

A popular trend recently has been to take a year off after high school, calling it a “gap year.” Many students see this as an opportunity to take a break and relax. However, there are also many students who take this year to set a foundation for the rest of their lives. This session will discuss the importance of that foundation and how a student can effectively take a Gap Year with a Purpose.

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