homeschool life

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Schedules: Helping our Children to be Happy

One of the absolutely greatest gifts we can give our children is a schedule. Studies show that keeping our children on a schedule & creating routines
produces stability, calm, trust, discipline and most importantly, happiness. Come and see and hear why scheduling gives us the freedom to have fun and to accomplish great things. You will walk away from this session with wonderful ideas to implement into your family schedule.

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How to Juggle Homeschooling with Littles in the House

Tools for how to homeschool successfully with little ones in the home. Organization and encouraging tips for your littles to keep them engaged while you teach the older children. Listen Now

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Contemplate, Advocate, Navigate…Reaching Children with Reading Struggles in the Home

Please join Natalie Hoover with Hoover Learning Group to learn how to ‘learn’ your children and students…and help them ‘learn’ themselves! This fun, interactive class will offer innovative insight into the importance of identifying individual learning styles and accessing and implementing appropriate strategies for homework and study times. We will offer specific learning tools for you to take home, discuss the importance of appropriate diagnostic testing, as well as offer a plethora of resources for you to further educate yourselves about and embrace multisensory learning! You are not alone. Come and mingle with other like-minded parents and educators and see that together, we C.A.N.!

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