homeschool is best

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You CAN Reach and Teach Your Children

Listen in as Joyce Herzog, talks about her experiences as a teacher for many years. Now she helps homeschool moms teach their children. The type of children that don’t fit into the normal school system. . . you will be blessed by listening to her encouragement. You CAN teach your children. Listen Now

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I Believe in Homeschooling

Most parents place a high value on the education they can give to their children. It prepares them for life and gives them hope for a happy future. In the old days, the three R’s of schooling included reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithematic. Is homeschooling succeeding because it is reclaiming the tried and true educational philosophy or is something else going on? In this workshop, Davis presents a compelling case for you to believe in the power of homeschooling and six new R’s to back it up.

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