Homeschool Dad

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The Importance of Heart Schooling | 184

We talk a lot about Heart Schooling—or discipleship-focused homeschooling. So, this week, David and I are going to look specifically at what Heart Schooling really entails and give you some ideas to start putting some of these concepts into action right now.

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“From Homeschool Grad to Homeschool Dad”: Speed bumps and lessons learned.

As a homeschool graduate, Ben Davis knew he wanted to homeschool his own children because homeschooling is the best way to pass on a Biblical worldview. But even though he and his wife knew what it was like to be homeschooled, they found out that being homeschool parents was a brand-new experience. In this session, Ben relates his family’s experiences as first-year homeschoolers.

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Homeschooling Dad Bystander or Participant

Bystander or Participant- Which one are you? Which one do you want to be? Dad’s have an irreplaceable role in the family. Don’t just be a bystander but find out how to participate in your children’s education. Listen Now

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Why Should Dad Be Involved In Homeschooling?

I told you last week that when David and I did my time inventory, he got a much clearer view of what I do each day—and a much greater appreciation for homeschooling. He was already a spectacular homeschool dad, but he has learned quite a bit himself through the years, and I talked him into sharing his heart with your today. Feel free to grab your husband and join us for this week’s discussion.

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Leading your Homeschooling Family from a Cubicle

Father of five kids with special needs teaches how to lead from afar. Inspiring husbands to led their home dispite needing to be at work 40+ hours a week. Become that dad you want to be: vital, engaged, and helpful to your beloved wife and children. Lead your family with authority and surety of the Lord.

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Adventures in Homeschooling

A wonderful look at God’s desire for your homeschool adventure. Trusting God and His direction in your life. This wonderful session will give insight for the role of both fathers and mothers in their homeschool adventure. Listen Now

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You Can Be Self-Employed! Don’t Just Dream it – Do it!

Listen in as Jim Hodges tells his story of how he became self-employeed. He asks questions you need to be asking and character qualities you should have before taking the plunge to start your own business. He ends the talk with helping you find out what you want to do. Listen Now

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Deuteronomy 6 and Beyond

Deuteronomy 6 admonishes parents to “teach their children diligently when sitting at home, when walking along the way, when lying down, and when getting up.” There are many more places in God’s Word that speak to home education and family discipleship. Whether you are at the crossroads of considering home education, a few years into it and deciding whether to stay the course, or a veteran in need of affirmation, the truth found in God’s Word will set you free. Davis Carman shares several of these verses in a way that brings God’s wisdom all the way home.

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Laughter is the Best Medicine: Marriage Lessons from Real Life

Laughter is the Best Medicine: Marriage Lessons From Real Life

Come enjoy a refreshing session of humor and encouragement, as Joe and Zan share candidly about the ups and downs of married life (including their biggest fight ever!), while focusing on the Biblical principles that have served as the unshakable foundation of their marriage. Understanding and embracing the magnificent, Biblical vision of marriage is the key to a vibrant relationship.

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