High School

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Gifts, Talents and Entrepreneurship

Speaker: Pat Wesolowski Don’t wait until your students are in high school to begin teaching economics, financial planning and entrepreneurship. As homeschooling parents we have the time and the freedom to help our children discover their gifts and talents before they ever leave home. Your teens have an idea of which career, vocation, and/or ministry […]

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College Admissions and Scholarship Tips

Speaker: Charlotte Ellard Gems to glean from a veteran homeschooling family. With 10 homeschooled high school graduates that have gone to college on full scholarships to various schools (from large public universities to very small private Christian schools), Charlotte shares wisdom from experience on obtaining college scholarships. Expectations of college admissions departments and scholarship committees […]

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Preparing Your Teen for College (It is Easier Than You Might Think!)

Speaker: Pat Wesolowski How can a parent be sure their students are prepared for life after high school? When do you begin preparing and what all do you need to do in order to be sure your students are prepared for college? With intention and well-planning, it is not difficult to homeschool your high school […]

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What Every Homeschooling Parent Needs to Know about Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Speaker: Faith Berens This workshop addresses a crucial but frequently misunderstood topic related to special needs homeschooling. In this power-packed workshop, Faith explains the difference between accommodations and modifications, describes 504 Accommodation Law, and answers homeschooling parents’ most frequently asked questions, including: Can I give accommodations to my child on end-of-the-year standardized tests? What type […]

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Homeschooling the College-Bound Teen: Navigating the Road to Admission

Speaker: LaNissir James For teens preparing to attend 4-year colleges or universities, this seminar provides resources to help you prepare teens for the challenges of college, determine parameters for selecting a college, and navigate the college application process. You’ll receive information on making the most of a college visit, interacting with college admissions officers, and […]

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Giving Your Teen Direction in an Uncertain Year

Speaker: Matthew Bullington How can you give your teen guidance on planning for a career path when the whole world seems to be upside-down? The past year has brought a lot of changes to the college-prep process, from test-optional application options, changing deadlines, and rapidly evolving standardized exams. We’ll cover the biggest changes for the […]

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Choosing a Major/College/Career: It’s Better to Get It Right Than Fast

Speaker: Jeff Reep In light of the fact that 66% of college students change their majors more than once and on the day of graduation 40% of college graduates wish they had a different major, it’s important to start early and take this decision seriously. Individuals often make decisions without much thought and with limited […]

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Preparing for College – It’s Easier than You Might Think

Speaker: Pat Wesolowski This workshop will cover testing and transcripts, dual enrollment, college choices, gap year programs and other post-high school options. Pat, who homeschooled her nine children all the way through, is now a Homeschool Specialist at a Christian college and she can help you navigate through the high school years successfully! Listen Now

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Preparing Your Student for College

Speaker: Diane Benson Just when parents are getting the hang of homeschooling High School – College hopes and fears begin to loom on the horizon. What, really, do College Profs expect from students? With over 17 years experience teaching Psychology at a local college, Diane Benson provides insight into what professors want from students, how […]

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How to Build a Transcript – It’s Easier Than You Think

Speaker: Charlotte Ellard With children admitted to over 25 different colleges, Charlotte offers a simple guide for transcripts that can be built with a Word document or an Excel worksheet. Sample transcripts and course descriptions can help you on your way. Plus, a frank discussion on accredited transcripts vs home grown transcripts from a mom […]

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Why Aren’t You Earning College Credits in High School

Speaker: Aaron Marks There are many ways to save time and money by earning college credit while still in high school. This session will compare some of the most common avenues, and highlight the pros and cons to each. Listen Now

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Rethink Their Future– An Interview With Diane Benson

Former college professor Diane Benson of Homelife Academy joins us this week as we discuss homeschooling high school, some of the myths surrounding a college education, and then what paths a student can take. This is a GREAT conversation to listen in on no matter what stage of parenting and homeschooling you’re in, because you […]

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Giving Teens the Freedom (and Guidance) to Succeed Financially

Originally aired as a Facebook Live, this video will give you some great insights and ideas for how to teach your children to succeed financially. Linda Carlson and Vere Reynolds from Evangelical Christian Credit Union are part of the Homeschool Financial Counselor Team here at Teach Them Diligently, and they shared some incredibly helpful ideas […]

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