Navigating Life’s Unexpected Twists: How to Pivot in Homeschooling and Family Life | 294
Join Leslie Nunnery and Anna Goodwyn as they discuss navigating life’s unexpected twists in homeschooling
Join Leslie Nunnery and Anna Goodwyn as they discuss navigating life’s unexpected twists in homeschooling
What should you be focusing on this year? Download our printable guide below for the year of high school that your teen is in, and then watch our video for our top recommendations of what you should be focusing on this year.
Congratulations on making it through our intro course? Where do you go next:Join our high school e-mail list here: a part of our Facebook community and get your questions answered live weekly: up for the closest Teach Them Diligently convention, and make sure to check the box to register for our College Fair […]
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