
The search will only search posts related to: grandparent. The content is sorted by most recent.

I’m a Grandparent – What Can I Do

Speaker: Michael and Gayle Beck Many parents would love for grandparents to be involved in their homeschool adventures. Many grandparents are interested in helping but haven’t a clue where to start. We will give you a wealth of ideas that can help you be involved with their schooling and their lives in helpful, relationship-building ways. […]

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Long Distance Grandparenting

Speaker: Michael and Gayle Back Your grandchildren live far away from you. How can you be involved? Come and hear many, many ideas that can be implemented from afar for grandparents who are eager to be a part of their grandchildren’s homeschool adventure. There is much that can be done both academically and non-academically. Parents […]

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Long Distance Grandparenting

How to be a long distance grandparent? Learn how to use the tools given to connect with your grandchildren no matter the distance! Create sweet memories or “inside jokes” that are meaningful and that your grandchildren will cherish for years to come. Listen Now

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Connecting With the Grandkids in the Digital Age

Homeschooling is an amazing adventure???the journey of a lifetime. There are unique challenges, opportunities, and experiences. Getting our priorities straight will not only honor God, but it will also enhance the educational process.

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