for dads

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Faithful and Flawed Fathers: Abraham and You, Dad

There are no perfect Biblical fathers. All had flaws, but some were still regarded as faithful. Abraham is called the father of all who
believe, even though he’s far from a model of perfection. Just like Abraham, you can be a faithful father to your children, despite the flaws. A man needs to know his calling from God, be willing to sacrifice for it, and have patient faith through trials.

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The Watchman

Watchmen are discussed throughout the Bible and used in great ways. They had to remain awake and alert for approaching enemies and warn of impending attack and give those who dwelt outside the walls an opportunity to seek protection and time to secure the gates and man the defenses. The dad is the watchman of his household, the one who should be on guard. We will discuss the ways that you as a watchman should be the provider, protector, shepherd, and the counselor of your house.

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Pioneer Fathering

Calling out God’s true calling over Fathers to be leaders, protectors, and to reflect God’s image. Father’s have a God given command to be fruitful and multiply and to lead their family to God. This wonderful session will encourage every father in who God has created them to be. Listen Now

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Leading your Homeschooling Family from a Cubicle

Father of five kids with special needs teaches how to lead from afar. Inspiring husbands to led their home dispite needing to be at work 40+ hours a week. Become that dad you want to be: vital, engaged, and helpful to your beloved wife and children. Lead your family with authority and surety of the Lord.

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Mens Power Coffee

Whether your child pursues college or a career straight from high school, being sure they are well prepared is a daunting task. Learn keys to smooth transitions, admirable interviews, and admission portfolios from a mom/college admission counselor.

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Men’s Breakfast

Men are the leaders of the homeschool movement in many ways. Calling men to lead their wives, families, and homeschool, Voddie Baucham shares 4 important ways for men to rise to the calling of leadership. Listen Now

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