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When Faith Is Forbidden| 190

Literature and good stories offer homeschool parents incredible tools to help capture our children’s hearts and give them a better understanding of biblical truths. Many great conversations have started after reading time, and many doors for discipleship have opened as we use the stories as jumping-off points for sharing our experiences and lessons learned.

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Filtering Books Through A Biblical Worldview | 189

Literature and good stories offer homeschool parents incredible tools to help capture our children’s hearts and give them a better understanding of biblical truths. Many great conversations have started after reading time, and many doors for discipleship have opened as we use the stories as jumping-off points for sharing our experiences and lessons learned.

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reading book together

Innovative Ways To Use Literature to Capture Children’s Hearts | 187

Literature and good stories offer homeschool parents incredible tools to help capture our children’s hearts and give them a better understanding of biblical truths. Many great conversations have started after reading time, and many doors for discipleship have opened as we use the stories as jumping-off points for sharing our experiences and lessons learned.

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