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The Secret Tool to Help Any Student Succeed in any Field

Having taught the fine art of communication from a Biblical perspective for over 15 years, Nicole Stratton knows the importance of this incredible tool and how a lack of training in this area results in an unbalanced education and life. Come learn the secrets of becoming an excellent communicator and how this tool will enable your child to excel in any field or vocation in life!

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Finding Fun and Unique Ways to Teach Your Children

When we think of educating our children, we often think of our children sitting at desks or the kitchen table using textbooks and workbooks. While this kind of teaching/learning is enjoyable to some students, most students (and parents!) enjoy breaking out of the more traditional classroom setting in exchange for ideas and activities that are more fun! It is possible to incorporate alternative kinds of teaching and learning into your homeschool, and it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive! There are ways to use hands-on activities, dance, poetry, drama, experiments, fun literature-related activities, music, travel, and more to spice up your homeschool! If you’re in a homeschool rut or if you’re just not sure how to add a little fun and adventure to your homeschool, we would love to share some ideas and information with you! Your children will thank you (Ok…it may be years from now! But they will!) and your family may discover a new love for learning this school year!

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