College Prep

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Real Moms 365 With Melissa Romero

College. It’s a scary word for us as we watch our kids get older. Will they be ready to tackle college? Have we taught them enough? And also, how do you even begin to pick out and apply to colleges. Come learn all this and more from someone who recently rocked this season of life […]

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Simplifying College Prep

There are a lot of options out there when it comes to college preparation. Do we dual enroll? Take the AP, CLEP, DSST, ECE? Is the PSAT necessary? How do I decide between the ACT/SAT? Should I take a gap year? If my child has no idea what he/she wants to do, should we even be looking at college?

There are a lot of different ways to prepare for a career path. We know you have heard lots from your friends, and it can become overwhelming very easily. In this workshop we are going to guide you through a series of questions that allow you to evaluate where you are at as a family, and simplify down what tests, tools and approaches make sense for your exact situation.

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Preparing for College

Just when parents are getting the hang of homeschooling High School – College hopes and fears begin to loom on the horizon. What, really, do College Profs expect from students? With over 17 years experience teaching Psychology at a local college, Diane Benson provides insight into what professors want from students, how to be better students and ways to make freshman year (or Dual Enrollment) easier.

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College Admissions and Scholarship Tips

Gems to glean from a veteran homeschooling family. With 10 homeschooled high school graduates that have gone to college on full scholarships to various schools( from large public universities to very small private Christian schools) Charlotte shares wisdom from experience on obtaining college scholarships. Expectations of college admissions departments and scholarship committees can be elusive. Knowing the right questions to ask is invaluable.

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Over the course of an hour, Deb will discuss some statistics related to what is effective preparation and what is not. When this preparation should begin and when your student should begin taking the ACT or SAT. Deb will also discuss her personal experience with these tests and preparing students and how to decide which is best for your student. The last 15 minutes will be designated for questions. You will leave with practical materials related to preparing for these tests and a solid direction on how to arm your students for this test that will likely define where they can direct their academic future. The content of this discussion is applicable for parents of rising 7th graders and beyond.

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One Size Does NOT Fit All: College and Career Check-up

Your situation is different, so your approach should be as well. As we get close to the end of the school year lots of families have questions about what they should have their child do to prepare for college. We’ll move beyond a simple checklist to actually give you the tools and questions to complete an end-of-the-year checkup.

Many people have it backwards. I’m frequently asked by students and parents, “what do I/does my child need to do to prepare for college?” I turn that question on it’s head and instead ask, what do you need to do to prepare for your career? A career, not college, is the goal, and dictates what direction you should follow now (not some automated checklist). If college is a logical part of that route then we can talk about what to do. Don’t know what career you’re interested? Well, we’ll start there!

We’ll do an overview of the “Big 5” elements of preparing for a career, college and life after graduation. What career are you considering? What route will get

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College Out of the Box: the Alternative Methods to Earning Your College Degree

Figuring out where to go (and how to pay for) college can be a stressful time. Join me as I show you options that maybe you haven’t thought of before. We’ll discuss alternative ways to earn credits (it’s not just CLEPS & dual credits anymore!), traditional versus nontraditional routes to a degree, compare costs and time required, uncover little known ways to earn scholarships, and much more. If you have a student Junior high- high school age, you need to attend to find out how they can begin earning college credits doing the work they are already doing! My son started at age 12 and got his accredited associates degree by age 15 and his bachelor’s by 17 (and for just a FEW thousand dollars!). College Out of the Box is the new way to get your college degree in less time, for less money, and with NO student debt!

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Preparing for College

Just when parents are getting the hang of homeschooling High School – College hopes and fears begin to loom on the horizon. What, really, do College Profs expect from students? With over 17 years experience teaching Psychology at a local college, Diane Benson provides insight into what professors want from students, how to be better students and ways to make freshman year (or Dual Enrollment) easier.

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College Success Starts in Ninth Grade

What can you do now that will impact your child’s college success? We will explore four attitudes that characterize successful students and suggest ways you can cultivate those attitudes early.

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The 5 Best Ways You Can Prepare Your Child for College and Career

The 5 Best Ways You Can Prepare Your Child for College and Career

In this session, homeschool graduate and college representative Phylicia Masonheimer will share the five pivotal lessons her parents taught in homeschool that enabled her to set realistic goals, build a reputation for integrity, and succeed in college and career. This session approaches ‘success’ from an individual and holistic standpoint, discussing five ways parents can prepare their homeschool students spiritually, academically, and intellectually for the challenges of college and career. The session is taught from the perspective of a homeschool graduate who has counseled multiple homeschooled students as they pursued their respective callings, and will include practical ideas for parents to consider as they train their children to become ‘champions for Christ’.

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College Crash Course

Rumors About. Some purport that colleges love homeschoolers; others warn that you need to accredit. The truth is that there is a lot of misinformation in the homeschool community. Indeed, going from homeschool to college does involve jumping through some hoops. Jeannie Fulbright is here to share what some of those hoops are. Jeannie homeschooled her oldest child from start to finish, helping her garner early acceptance to the University of Georgia on scholarship, where she is now on the Dean’s List. As Jeannie navigated the open seas of college admissions, she learned what colleges want and how to make a homeschooler an appealing college applicant. From transcripts to portfolios to the application process and everything in between, the earlier you have this information, the easier it will be to sail through the hoops that’ll get your child into the college of their choice.

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Maximize Your Time: The Fast Track to a College Degree

Higher education takes investment, both of time and finances. There are ways to expedite your education, however, if both parent and student are aware of the opportunities available. Starting as early as 9th grade curriculum to dual enrollment and CLEP testing, this session will discuss how to help your student get started down his degree path with focus to finish.

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