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Benefits of dual enrollment and tips to be successful in college life. Listen Now
The college landscape has changed significantly over the last five years, and families today have more options than ever when it comes to pursuing a college degree. However, as stewards of God’s greatest gifts to us, our children, how can we make wise choices? With over 50 combined years of higher education experience, we are positioned to help you make the most of your options and avoid common mistakes.
Students and Parents, come and learn how to get a head start on your college career through Colorado Christian University!
The college landscape has changed significantly over the last five years, and families today have more options than ever when it comes to pursuing a college degree. However, as stewards of God’s greatest gifts to us, our children, how can we make wise choices? With over 50 combined years of higher education experience, we are positioned to help you make the most of your options and avoid common mistakes.
While most homeschoolers either use or know of Saxon Math, few know the incredible story behind the man, John Saxon. Join us as we re-discover the amazing journey of how a math failure – turned mathematics warrior went on to develop a curriculum despised by liberal educrats and endorsed by President Ronald Reagan! Learn more about the man, his methods, and why they matter in your child’s math education.
Solution to finding scholarships and finding ways to complete college without paying!! Listen Now
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