The Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulder
I had the most interesting discussion with my 21 year old son on Friday night
I had the most interesting discussion with my 21 year old son on Friday night
There are more slaves today than any other time in history. Why does modern slaveryexist? What does modern slavery look like? Where is it happening? What can I do? Slavery
exists in all parts of the world, including America, and a Biblical worldview mandates a response from Christians. How will you respond?
Generations of Americans have been taught to assume it is proper for there to be public schools; Christians never question whether the Bible justifies a public school’s existence. Come and be challenged to Biblical framework that should be utilized to see discipleship from the Christian perspective – not just regarding whether to home school, but whether there should be public schools.
Our parents just scowled at sex in the news, but we aim to prepare our kids. Let’s get comfortable talking to our sons and daughters about current events like the #MeToo movement and the sexual abuse of the U.S. Gymnastics Team. Let’s instruct them in godly principles. Discover how to coach your kids so they better protect themselves and stand up for others. This session helps parents approach difficult discussions with poise and purpose.
As mothers we long to protect our children from the ungodly philosophies sweeping our nation. Cynthia will explain current topsy-turvy thought patterns of today. Plus, she will give invaluable tools to prepare your child to discern truth from error. This very popular class includes cues for critical thinking in all areas of school and life.
Our parents just scowled at sex in the news, but we aim to prepare our kids. Let’s get comfortable talking to our sons and daughters about current events like the #MeToo movement and the sexual abuse of the U.S. Gymnastics Team. Let’s instruct them in godly principles. Discover how to coach your kids so they better protect themselves and stand up for others. This session helps parents approach difficult discussions with poise and purpose.
Most of us know that worry is wrong, so we disguise it with different terms like, concerned, troubled, or bothered. Regardless of the term used, worry saps our energy, drains our joy, destroys evangelism, and even aggravates many physical ailments. The Bible is clear that worry is sinful, idolatrous, and a sign of unbelief, and that fear is wrong when it is allowed to motivate thinking and behavior that is unbiblical. In this workshop, you will discover the biblical solutions to worry, the keys to overcoming fear, and how to disciple others with the same truths.
In the growing skepticism of our society, it is so important that we not only train our children in Biblical knowledge, but in the logic to know that the Bible is truly the Word of God and Christianity is truth. Once our children leave for college, the world is waiting to attack their faith by convincing them that God is not real, that Christianity is false, and that the Bible is not true. It is critical to our children’s faith, and those to whom they may witness, that they have a strong understanding of the logical way to answer those challenges. Cathryn’s book, Teaching Others to Defend Christianity, is structured as a teaching tool so that parents can use these six lessons to teach their children the essentials to being able to defend their faith. It walks them through the logical progression that God exists, it is the Christian God, the Bible is trustworthy, and Jesus is the Son of God. Are your children prepared to face the fundamental questions to their faith?
What is calculus? Hear about the Christian heritage of calculus and why children should learn it. Listen Now
Story telling and who is doing Biblical storytelling. Learning about good and Biblical publication and how it relates storytelling. Listen Now
Shares the ideology of public school and how it changes a child. This session will share how American is using the public school to drive an anti-God worldview and how it starts with school bus. Listen Now
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