charla mckinley

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Not All Careers Are Equal

As adults, we know that just getting a college degree does not ensure enough money to pay the bills. But, does your teen understand? If not, Charla can help. In this talk, Charla will walk through the information you will need to guide your teen into the right education for their interests and dreams.

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Dollars & Sense

Speaker: Charla McKinley Our children will spend less than a quarter of their lives in our homes. As parents we have a narrow window to prepare them for the road ahead. As with any skill, our children need more than just lectures about money and learning by your example. Financial illiteracy has the power to […]

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Dollars & Sense

Speaker: Charla McKinley Our children will spend less than a quarter of their lives in our homes. As parents we have a narrow window to prepare them for the road ahead. We spend years teaching our children how to read, write and do mathematics, but how much time do we spend teaching them about money? […]

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Dollars & Sense

Speaker: Charla McKinley Our children will spend less than a quarter of their lives in our homes. As parents we have a narrow window to prepare them for the road ahead. We spend years teaching our children how to read, write and do mathematics, but how much time do we spend teaching them about money? […]

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