Cathryn Buse

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How Do We Know There’s a God?

Speaker: Cathryn Sterling Buse One of the biggest stumbling blocks unbelievers have with Christianity is over the question of whether God truly exists. It is important that you know how to answer that question, but how well can your children? Come learn how you can train them up to be equipped to answer questions like […]

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Apologetics at Every Age

Speaker: Cathryn Sterling Buse It is more important than ever to raise children who can defend biblical truth in a world of unbiblical ideas. It is necessary not just so they can be effective witnesses to unbelievers, but also so their faith can withstand the skepticism the world will throw at them. This preparation must […]

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Apologetics at Every Age

Speaker: Cathryn Buse Cathryn will give practical tips and examples of how to incorporate apologetics into each academic discipline so that it can become an integral part of your homeschooling. Listen Now

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Teaching Your Children to Defend Christianity

In the growing skepticism of our society, it is so important that we not only train our children in Biblical knowledge, but in the logic to know that the Bible is truly the Word of God and Christianity is truth. Once our children leave for college, the world is waiting to attack their faith by convincing them that God is not real, that Christianity is false, and that the Bible is not true. It is critical to our children’s faith, and those to whom they may witness, that they have a strong understanding of the logical way to answer those challenges. Cathryn’s book, Teaching Others to Defend Christianity, is structured as a teaching tool so that parents can use these six lessons to teach their children the essentials to being able to defend their faith. It walks them through the logical progression that God exists, it is the Christian God, the Bible is trustworthy, and Jesus is the Son of God. Are your children prepared to face the fundamental questions to their faith?

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