Carol Topp

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Where to start? How to start? Why to Start? Getting Started Homeschool 101

For the past thirty-five years, homeschooling has been looked at by many men largely as something their wife does. Many believe that if they pay the bills, that is really all that God expects of them. Biblically speaking, what should dads do in the homeschooling process?

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Micro Business for Teens: Starting a Micro Business

Encouragement for teenagers to start and run their own micro business. They will learn a lot while earning some money. A micro business can be started quickly and easily with no debt from home. Presenter Carol Topp, CPA has counseled dozens of teenagers starting a business and will discuss business plans, ideas. Teenagers and their parents are encouraged to attend together!

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Career Exploration for High School Students

Too many students graduate from high school with no idea what career they should pursue. Homeschool mother and author, Carol Topp, will offer steps, resources, and her experiences in helping students pursue a career path unique for them.

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