brain development

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The Four Steps of Learning

Learning consists of four steps. No matter what is going on with an individual, each person (whether special needs or typically developing) should go through these same 4 steps. First, the brain receives the information being inputted. Next, the brain must process the information it has received. Third, the brain needs to store that information. Finally, the brain has to use the information. Again, this four-step pattern for learning is the same for every person. There are multiple factors which can affect each step of learning and cause corresponding challenges. In this session, learn about these 4 steps of learning and how to optimize each step to become an excellent, efficient learner.

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Make Learning Easier!

The foundation of all learning abilities is the efficient functioning of the brain. Remember your old dial-up connection to the Internet? Is your child’s brain like a computer with a slow connection speed?What is a parent to do? You could buy another curriculum OR you could address the

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Latin Might Make You a Genius

It is easy to understand how good nutrition will make you healthier and exercise will make you stronger, but are there subjects that can make you smarter? In this workshop we’ll talk about how (and why) one really old language can change everything for those who dare to master it.

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Pieces of the Puzzle – Neuroplasticity

The NeuroDevelopmental Approach is like no other approach to human development. It is unique in its way of looking at the whole individual, not the separate pieces. Taking the individual pieces and understanding how they interrelate, helps you look at the entire individual, will greatly enhance what you do with your child. We will discuss neuroplasticity and how the amazing central nervous system God created works. From the moment of birth brain cells die. Every second, every minute, every day brain cells die. Although brain cells continue to die, the brain increases in size. The increase in size and weight of a maturing child’s brain is a reflection of the growth of the connections between the brain cells. The brain grows connections through stimulation – specific stimulation. Whether your child is typically developing, brain injured, has a genetic concern or learning challenges this information will greatly help your children and thus enhance your homeschool experience.

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Homeschooling when there are learning challenges is heartbreaking

When your child is struggling with learning challenges, school can be difficult ??? even agonizing. In this workshop discover why learning struggles develop, as well as how to stimulate the brain in order to help your child overcome these challenges.

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Should I Homeschool My Child Who Needs Special Attention

Neurodevelopmentalist, Jan Bedell, shares her personal story of homeschooling her special needs daughter and how stimulating the brain encourages it to work better. From early childhood, there are special tools you can use that will effect them in their later years. Listen Now

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How to Help Your Child with Special Needs

What actions can parents take to develop the most neurological results and brain growth in their children? This session will give you clear direction and tips for how to navigate the road of special needs with your child by building brain growth as you are homeschooling and bringing in education. Listen Now

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Developing Motivation and Interest in Kids of All Ages

Creating the optimum environment in your home and family to learn and grow in knowledge. Realizing that the home and family is ideal for a child’s healthy brain development in order for our children to grow. Listen Now

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