brain balance

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It’s a Balancing Act

Speaker: Pam Hatcher At Brain Balance we don’t just work with a child’s strengths or provide strategies to compensate for a weakness. We address the fundamental problem. At the core of these disorders is desynchronized processing speed or an imbalance between the two hemispheres of the brain resulting in a Functional Disconnection. This means there […]

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Brain Based Strategies for Improving and Eliminating Neuro-Developmental and Learning Disorders

Brain Balance is an after school program utilizing the latest brain research to help children with Learning Disorders like ADHD, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, and Autism to function better academically, socially and behaviorally. Research shows that children with these labels have areas of brain underconnectivity, especially between the right and left hemispheres. Come Learn how the Brain Balance Program™ identifies and improves areas of Brain Underconnectivity to give your child their best chance at success.

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