Bill Potter

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George Orwell Revisited in 2023

Speaker: Bill Potter The famous British writer Eric Arthur Blair, who wrote under the pseudonym George Orwell, stunned the world with two political and social allegories entitled Animal Farm and 1984, based on his experiences in the Spanish Civil War. His critique of Soviet communism caused a sensation in the 1940s and 50s when published, […]

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George Orwell Revisited in 2023

Speaker: Bill Potter The famous British writer Eric Arthur Blair, who wrote under the pseudonym George Orwell, stunned the world with two political and social allegories entitled Animal Farm and 1984, based on his experiences in the Spanish Civil War. His critique of Soviet communism caused a sensation in the 1940s and 50s when published, […]

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Women of the Protestant Reformation, Exemplars of Virtue and Competence

Speaker: Bill Potter We’ve all heard of Luther, Calvin and Knox. Key to their ministries and the success of the Protestant Reformation are wives, daughters, and other “ladies of the Covenant,” who suffered as much or more than their men, promoted the proclamation of the Gospel, raised godly families, protected and provided for refugees, and […]

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The Messianic Character of American Education

Speaker: Bill Potter This class is a survey of the historical origins of the broken and depraved government schools of today. They did not suddenly erupt like Vesuvius in the last ten years. The seeds were sown in colonial times, and the creators of the modern “common schools” system were established by educational presuppositions in […]

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Leadership Lessons for Our Sons from George Washington, Robert E. Lee, and Winston Churchill

Speaker: Bill Potter Our children are the future of our country and the Church. They must be trained to stand in the day of battle, lead when others falter, and live lives that exemplify character, courage, and perseverance. We do not have to invent historical examples of such leaders, nor despair because such men are […]

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Dedicated Minorities Can Change History

Speaker: Bill Potter You may have heard it said that dedicated minorities, not majorities, often change the direction of history. Sometimes it was perseverance and quick thinking in the face of imminent defeat that won the day, as in the case of the “apprentice boys” in the Siege of Derry, Ireland in 1689. Sometimes it […]

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Is It 1984 Yet?

Speaker: Bill Potter Many Christians are panicking as they read the daily news of pagan cultural triumphs across our nation and the demonizing of all that is holy and good. George Orwell’s 1930s dystopian novel of Socialism in practice, 1984, is often cited as a prophetic literary classic that is coming true in our own […]

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Dedicated Minorities Can Change History

Speaker: Bill Potter You may have heard it said that dedicated minorities, not majorities, often change the direction of history. Sometimes it was perseverance and quick thinking in the face of imminent defeat that won the day, as in the case of the “apprentice boys” in the Siege of Derry, Ireland in 1689. Sometimes it […]

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Your Husband is Away, The Enemy Is at the Front Door: Heroic Women of the Civil War

Speaker: Bill Potter Among the thousands of accounts of the War Between the States are many outstanding memoirs by mothers, wives, and single women who bore the brunt of keeping the family alive, planting and harvesting, or serving as nurses. Some of them had to confront the enemy face-to-face. Among the very best writing of […]

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Leadership Lessons for Our Sons from George Washington, Robert E. Lee, and Winston Churchill

Speaker: Bill Potter Our children are the future of our country and the Church. They must be trained to stand in the day of battle, lead when others falter, and live lives that exemplify character, courage, and perseverance. We do not have to invent historical examples of such leaders, nor despair because such men are […]

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Is It 1984 Yet?

Speaker: Bill Potter Many Christians are panicking as they read the daily news of pagan cultural triumphs across our nation and the demonizing of all that is holy and good. George Orwell’s 1930s dystopian novel of Socialism in practice, 1984, is often cited as a prophetic literary classic that is coming true in our own […]

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The Pilgrims at 400: Privileged White Males Bent on Genocide, or Humble Christians Families Seeking Freedom to Worship God?

Speaker: Bill Potter The year 2020 marks the 400th Anniversary of the Pilgrim’s landing in Plymouth. Multitudes of Americans have been schooled in the Marxist fake history of Howard Zinn and thus see no reason to celebrate the heroic suffering and perseverance of the Pilgrims. They left a legacy of serious Christian civilization that has […]

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Leadership Lessons for Our Sons from George Washington, Robert E. Lee, and Winston Churchill

Speaker: Bill Potter Our children are the future of our country and the Church. They must be trained to stand in the day of battle, lead when others falter, and live lives that exemplify character, courage, and perseverance. We do not have to invent historical examples of such leaders, nor despair because such men are […]

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Dedicated Minorities Can Change History

Speaker: Bill Potter You may have heard it said that dedicated minorities, not majorities, often change the direction of history. Sometimes it was perseverance and quick thinking in the face of imminent defeat that won the day, as in the case of the “apprentice boys” in the Siege of Derry, Ireland in 1689. Sometimes it […]

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Is It 1984 Yet?

Speaker: Bill Potter Many Christians are panicking as they read the daily news of pagan cultural triumphs across our nation and the demonizing of all that is holy and good. George Orwell’s 1930s dystopian novel of Socialism in practice, 1984, is often cited as a prophetic literary classic that is coming true in our own […]

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Mama Bear – Your Husband is Away & The Enemy is at the Front Door

Speaker: Bill Potter Among the thousands of accounts of the War Between the States are many outstanding memoirs by mothers, wives, and single women who bore the brunt of keeping the family alive, planting and harvesting, or serving as nurses. Some of them had to confront the enemy face to face. Among the very best […]

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Two Heros of RMS Titanic

Speaker: Bill Potter Historian for Landmark Defense. Taking a look of the sinking of the RMS Titanic and God’s providential hand in every event in history. Take a look at two people who were on the Titanic and their impact in history. Listen Now

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Should We Build More Monuments to Robert E. Lee?

People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.People across our nation are trying to pull down monuments of American history that symbolize to them, ideas and practices with which they disagree. This has been going on for quite a few years in academia, textbooks, essays and other media. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, since his death in 1870, had been considered an exemplar to be admired and emulated. He has become the number one target of the destroyers. How should we address this national iconoclasm?
Our first duty is to find out the truth regarding the historic people under attack, then teach our children about them. . Destroying the reputation of heroic fore-fathers has ever been a goal of those whose agenda is totalitarianism and complete conformity to a leftist ideology. This seminar will discuss many of the practical & historical issues related to the current destructive movements and suggest strategies to preserve the heritage of the past.

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The Amazing Story of The Doolittle Raider and the Samurai

One of the boldest stratagems of the Second World War involved the bombing of Tokyo by a bomber group led by Col. Jimmie Doolittle. Jacob DeShazer, one of Doolittle’s raiders, led a life fleeing from God until his captivity as a prisoner of the Japanese. His story and that of the commanding Japanese pilot in the attack on Pearl Harbor, Mitsuo Fushida, intertwine in a way only God could orchestrate through a series of remarkable providences.

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From Darwin to Hitler

When many intellectuals of western civilization turned from the truth of the Biblical account of Creation to the myths of Darwinian pseudo-science, they embarked on an ideological journey that would lead to abortion, euthanasia, and the Holocaust of the 1930s and 40s. In this historical lecture, we examine the presuppositions of the godless materialism that undergird evolutionary theory, track it through its main proponents and show how it was used to justify murder on an industrial scale.

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The First Africans in English America – A Heritage of Diligence and Freedom.

One of the most remarkable stories in American history pertains to the arrival in 1619 of the first Africans to the English colony at Jamestown. Down through the centuries, the descendents of those first Africans could count among their number cattle ranchers, teachers and Confederate soldiers. History is rarely neat and tidy and often flies in the face of prevailing orthodoxies. Few stories capture the imagination and offer a countervailing story of providential triumph like that handful of Bantus of Ndongo from Angola in the earliest days of the Virginia colony.

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Courage Sacrifice and Perseverance

Historian for Landmark Events, Bill Potter, shares stories of strong individuals who shaped American and our history. Focusing specifically on Teddy Roosevelt, you will hear amazing stories and facts about this great man! Listen Now

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The Doctrine of Providence and the Study of History

Historian Bill Potter shares the providence of history and God’s hand in history. This insightful talk will introduce you to God’s providential hand in our history. Listen Now

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