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Step Back and Relax

Speaker: Peggy Alier Stressed out trying to balance schooling, extra-curriculars, home life, church, and a zillion other things? Take a break and learn some tips and techniques to help de-stress, prioritize, and get better sleep. Listen Now

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About to Burn Out? Here’s Some Help for Homeschool Success

Speaker: Sharon Fisher Are you feeling like you’re being pulled in every direction? If you’re about to burn out, come to get some encouragement and look over some biblical principles and practical tips for balancing homeschooling with the relationships and responsibilities God has given us. Listen Now

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About to Burn Out? Here’s Some Help for Homeschool Success

Speaker: Sharon Fisher Are you feeling like you’re being pulled in every direction? If you’re about to burn out, come to get some encouragement and look over some biblical principles and practical tips for balancing homeschooling with the relationships and responsibilities God has given us. Listen Now

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Balancing School and Home

Speaker: Jolanthe Erb When the entire family is home all day, it can be difficult to find a balance between the housework and school time. Meals need to be cooked, laundry needs to be done, and life fills in all the cracks. You’ll walk away from this sessions with tips, helps, and ways to balance […]

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About to Burn Out? Here’s Some Help for Homeschool Success

Speaker: Sharon Fisher Are you feeling like you’re being pulled in every direction? If you’re about to burn out, come to get some encouragement and look over some biblical principles and practical tips for balancing homeschooling with the relationships and responsibilities God has given us. Listen Now

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Being Salt and Light Families

Speaker: Israel Wayne As homeschoolers, we are often accused of retreating from society instead of impacting it. What is the balance between sheltering our children and reaching out to a lost world around us? In this session, Israel explains how you can equip your children for the ‘real world’ by developing a family ministry. Listen […]

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Finding Balance in Your Homeschooling Journey

Speaker: Eujeana Chism God has given us many relationships and responsibilities and keeping them in balance is tricky while we homeschool. We need His grace and some good planning to help guide us as we educate our children. We will discuss prioritizing relationships and responsibilities, home management, grocery shopping and meal prep, organization and homeschooling. […]

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Cute monthly planner with colored pens

Managing School and Home

When the entire family is home all day, it can be difficult to find a balance between the housework and school time. Meals need to be cooked, laundry needs to be done, and life fills in all the cracks. You’ll walk away from this sessions with tips, helps, and ways to balance it all – without losing your sanity in the process.

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