Discuss the importance of time spent out doors, which provides physical and spiritual benefits, and brings us physically in touch with God’s creation, illuminates intelligent design, illustrates our place in the universe, and lifts our eyes and hearts heavenward.
At the beginning of the school year, you carefully construct your goals, curriculum, and routines, but life can quickly veer off course. You commit to be more disciplined, more diligent, and more consistent, but good intentions often fall short. Only Jesus can transform your efforts and fulfill His purpose in your family. Before you begin, […]
This session looks at ways that we, as homeschooling parents, can aim to provide a better spiritual, social, and physical environment for our families. Do you know that the environment which surrounds us can influence the effectiveness of lessons we are trying to impart to our children? This session is for those who desire to […]
Unlock your child’s brilliance and DISCOVER some ways TODAY to help your child succeed with JOY! Teach struggling learners for the Win. Understand how your student’s brilliant dyslexic brain functions, the why behind it, and what you can do right now to help! Focus on the child and how he or she learns. After completing […]
Are you unsure about spending a lot of money on a curriculum for your youngest students? In this session, Joanie Boeckman guides you through how to create your own curriculum using inexpensive materials. Easily put together a custom curriculum based on your child’s interests while still teaching the ABCs and 123s!
If you’re experiencing burnout or can’t seem to stay on top of the homeschooling, you’re not alone! If you’ve lost the joy in your calling as a homeschool mom, then maybe you’re making homeschooling harder than it needs to be! This session will help you refocus your vision, while learning how to implement effective systems […]
Are you searching for easy ways to calculate grades whether weighted or unweighted? Not sure what the difference is between the two? Then, this is the workshop for you! Come and learn how easy it can be to calculate grades…in a snap!
This session is for moms and daughters, ages 8-13, to watch together! Grab some tea and treats, get comfortable, and let’s talk about God’s awesome design for purity in your daughter’s life. Get ready for great conversations with your daughter as we understand the “why” behind God’s good plan.
The new homeschool year is full of possibilities and potential. However, once the excitement of back to homeschool wears off, how do you keep focused on your homeschool goals? In the 5 Step Success Path to Your Best Homeschool Year Ever you will uncover the five key components to having their best homeschool year ever. […]
As adults, we know that just getting a college degree does not ensure enough money to pay the bills. But, does your teen understand? If not, Charla can help. In this talk, Charla will walk through the information you will need to guide your teen into the right education for their interests and dreams.
In this workshop Jennifer will show you how to use the Charlotte Mason and Classical methods to make the study of history your child’s favorite subject. She offers practical techniques for using great children’s literature, timelines and projects to make history come alive for your students, as well as incorporating other subject areas such as […]
Teaching our children about Our Heavenly Father is the most paramount lesson our children are to have at the beginning of each day. There is nothing more important in their education as knowledge about their Creator, His Story, and the promises He offers us, His children. Join me as we discuss the urgency of instilling […]
Establishing rhythms in your homeschool will equip your children to be attentive learners and also gift your whole family more time to pursue interests outside of formal lessons. In this session, SarahRuth will share practical tips for setting up your days to complete coursework by noon. She will provide examples for how and why this […]
Character is the most important fruit that parents can nurture in their children, and is the foundation for academic learning. Discover how character is learned and how to establish a plan for teaching it to your children. Kathie will give several creative ways you can encourage your children to develop in this important area. After […]
Are you a frustrated homeschooling parent? Many homeschooling parents struggle with stress, anger, and discouragement. Kathie discusses several causes of frustration, and then tells how to deal with them. She also stresses the importance of dealing with anger, and having the right spirit in dealing with our children, so as to keep the relationship strong.
Even though you are homeschooling, your children will still encounter scientific opinions that are contrary to the biblical worldview. How can we equip our children to recognize what the science actually tells us?
Teaching the Bible to our children is of upmost importance in raising them up in the faith. But equally important is teaching them why the Bible. Our children need to understand why Christianity is truth and the other worldviews around them are not.
Do you ever find your children going down their own little rabbit trails while learning, or wish that you could cultivate the love of learning that encourages this exploration? Learn how you can include quality literature in your homeschool that will have your kids begging for more with Rabbit Trails Homeschool Curriculum. Not only will […]
Gena has been helping homeschoolers include music in their homeschools for years. She’ll give you some simple and practical ideas for actually doing music this year with your kids of all ages. No prior musical knowledge necessary!
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