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Writing for Real Life

If you are just starting out or if you have been doing this awhile, there is some amount of fear. Have faith. The One who called you to this journey is in control of your homeschool and will lead you through each day. We simply need to stop chasing things and start chasing Him.

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You CAN Reach and Teach Your Children

Listen in as Joyce Herzog, talks about her experiences as a teacher for many years. Now she helps homeschool moms teach their children. The type of children that don’t fit into the normal school system. . . you will be blessed by listening to her encouragement. You CAN teach your children. Listen Now

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You CAN Homeschool Your Kids With Dyslexia

Dyslexia effects 20% of our kids. Research shows that dyslexic kids become dyslexic adults. Early intervention with researched-based teaching methods can help your child avoid many of the struggles with school caused by poor reading skills. This session will help parents understand what dyslexia is and what it isn’t, provide practical help to understand learning styles and how to choose teaching methods that are more effective. The session will also include encouragement for the day to day struggles, both academic and emotional, and conclude with learning the advantages to the dyslexic way of thinking.

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