Ann Meola

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Mom, Don’t Make Me Think-Just Tell Me The Answer

Speaker: Ann MeolaAfter switching to a new Math curriculum with her daughter which led to her daughter saying, “Just tell me the answer!”, Ann Meola realized that children need a clear understanding of math, not just what the books says. (more…)

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Teach Math to a Child with Learning Challenges

Teaching is not for the faint of heart. Mix in a child with learning challenges and you may end up becoming very discouraged, and possibly, ready to throw in the towel. Be encouraged, you are NOT alone. Whether your child has been diagnosed with a learning challenge or simply doesn’t “get”? math, come to this workshop to learn some teaching strategies and techniques. Help your child overcome those learning challenges and succeed in math.

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Building a Solid Math Foundation

Who is going to build a house by starting with the walls? Without a solid foundation, those walls
may hold up for a bit but eventually will come crashing down. Math is a lot like building a house.
We need to start with a strong foundation and build up from there. It doesn’t have to be hard!
Come and see how easy it is to teach math.

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