Ann Dunagan

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Mission Minded Mom’s Night

Join Ann Dunagan and Leslie Nunnery for an evening just for moms. In addition to some fun and a wonderful time of worship together, Ann will be sharing her heart for moms– and we’ll be hearing from those of you in the audience as well. This is an evening you will not want to miss.

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Training Girls to be Mission-Minded Women

As Christian families, let’s raise our daughters to DARE TO DREAM about God’s purposes, to DARE TO CRY for the needs of the world, and to DARE TO OBEY God’s Great Commission. In this session, you’ll be inspired by God’s passion for the lost and the needs of the world. As homeschooling families, let’s help our daughters to find God’s clarity for life, with a love for His Word, a commitment to live for Him, and a compassion for others.

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PASSION & Life Planning

Discovering the other part of you other than being a homeschool mother. You are unique and an individual. Discover all that God is calling you into and live boldly. P- personality A- abilities S- spiritual gifts S- story I- interest O- opportunities N- needs of the world you care about Listen Now

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Mission-Minded Homeschooling

Encouraging parents in the homeschooling and encouraging a mission minded view of life and family. Everything Christian parents do is filtered through that Christian worldview. Having a mission minded focus allows this to be the lens that you view the world and everything that you do as a family. Listen Now

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Mission- Minded Families

Award-winning author and Kidzmet.com Founder Jen Lilienstein digs into how to put Multiple Intelligence theory into practice in your homeschool including: ???How MI theory differs from the common view of intelligence. ???What MI theory suggests for our understanding of and interactions with the children in our lives. ???How multiple intelligences can be used as a lens to know children, their strengths, interests, and preferences, and how that information can be used to benefit the child and family.

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Mission-Minded Families

The Great Commission and great families GO together! In this life-impacting session, the Dunagans share from 3 years in ministry, to 7 nations and 7 continents. You’ll be encouraged and equipped with mission ideas for your homeschooling and family.

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Aiming Arrows into Adulthood

Our children are “arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior.” Ann Dunagan shares how our relationship changes as they grown and how parents equip the children to be successful adults and follow Jesus. Listen Now

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Daring Daughters: World Missions For Young Women

A well-ordered approach to history and literature allows students to follow history as it happened: In order, from ancient times through the present. A classical approach produces a well-rounded student who knows the stories from all of history??? whether ancient or modern, Biblical or secular??? that every educated person should know.

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10 Ideas for Teaching with God’s Heart for the World

Hudson Taylor said, “The Great Commission is not an option to consider; it is a command to obey.” For Christian homeschooling families, world missions is not an optional elective to study. Instead, it is a foundational worldview for training our children for God. In this session, you’ll learn many practical ways to incorporate God’s love for the lost and for the nations into your educational methods, homeschooling subjects, and family life. As Ann explains, “Missions is not just for missionaries; God’s call is for all.”

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Aiming Arrows into Adulthood

I Corinthians 13:11 says, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child; I understood as a child; I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” As homeschooling parents, how can we prepare our children for adulthood? And how can we prepare our hearts (through prayer and effective communication) to release our kids, into a new season? There’s life after graduation– with college, careers, romance, weddings, and next-generation purpose. Let’s aim and launch our arrows to hit God’s mark!

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