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College Admissions and Scholarship Tips

Speaker: Charlotte Ellard Gems to glean from a veteran homeschooling family. With 10 homeschooled high school graduates that have gone to college on full scholarships to various schools (from large public universities to very small private Christian schools), Charlotte shares wisdom from experience on obtaining college scholarships. Expectations of college admissions departments and scholarship committees […]

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Homeschooling High School: Will They Be Ready?

Speaker: Charlotte Ellard Soon to graduate her 12th child, Charlotte shares successes and failures in homeschooling high school. She not only has a seasoned parent’s perspective, but having been recruited by Berry College as Coordinator of Homeschool Admission she also has an admission counselor’s perspective. A year-by-year overview of how to approach homeschooling through high […]

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How to Build a Transcript – It’s Easier Than You Think

Speaker: Charlotte Ellard With children admitted to over 25 different colleges, Charlotte offers a simple guide for transcripts that can be built with a Word document or an Excel worksheet. Sample transcripts and course descriptions can help you on your way. Plus, a frank discussion on accredited transcripts vs home grown transcripts from a mom […]

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