Should I Homeschool My Child
Learning how to homeschool and have early intervention with your special needs child. From ADHD to broad spectrum of autism. Listen Now
Learning how to homeschool and have early intervention with your special needs child. From ADHD to broad spectrum of autism. Listen Now
Should I Home School My Special Needs Child? The answer is a resounding YES! As the parent, you are actually the expert on your child. The traditional technique for struggling learners is more one-on-one instruction. What better place to get that than at home! With specific tools you can create great strides forward! This workshop will also explore the pros and cons of labeling and how to make curriculum work more effectively for struggling learners.
Does you child struggle to focus? Lots of children have ADD, ADHD, and many other sensory issues and God can use these qualities to draw you and your child closer to Him! This talk is full of tips and helps for educating your quirky and lovely child. Listen Now
How do you know your child has these symptoms? Dr. Paul Cates and Dr. Kirk Cates of Faith Christian Ministries will discuss the importance of knowing what is going on and then knowing what to do. During the workshop, they will provide information on how you can homeschool a child with one of more of these symptoms. In addition, they will discuss that many problems are more complex than your diagnosis might suggest.
Come see into the heart of your struggling learner even if he is gifted in some areas. Discover the underlying problem, look at his strengths and learn some strategies to get moving in the right direction.
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