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Homeschool Guidance Counselor 101 – Standardized Exams

ACT, SAT, PSAT, AP, CLEP . . . there is a whole alphabet soup of standardized exams out there. In this video we simplify that down, and explain the differences between the exams, and give you the tools to evaluate which test make the most sense for you.Interested in a free downloadable guide to help […]

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Simplifying College Prep

Speaker: Matthew Bullington There are a lot of options out there when it comes to college preparation. Do we dual enroll? Take the AP, CLEP, DSST, ECE? Is the PSAT necessary? How do I decide between the ACT/SAT? Should I take a gap year? If my child has no idea what he/she wants to do, […]

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Over the course of an hour, Deb will discuss some statistics related to what is effective preparation and what is not. When this preparation should begin and when your student should begin taking the ACT or SAT. Deb will also discuss her personal experience with these tests and preparing students and how to decide which is best for your student. The last 15 minutes will be designated for questions. You will leave with practical materials related to preparing for these tests and a solid direction on how to arm your students for this test that will likely define where they can direct their academic future. The content of this discussion is applicable for parents of rising 7th graders and beyond.

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Secrets Of Taking The ACT

Come and hear how the Ravzi’s have conquered sibling rivalry and forged strong bonds between siblings. They will share the tremendous impact sibling relationships have on Mom’s ability to teach. This workshop will leave you encouraged that you can truly have peace in your homeschool.

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Preparing for Homeschool To College

Homeschooling high school with an eye on college does not have to be a scary pursuit. This week, we’ll chat with homeschool guidance counselor, Phylicia Masonheimer, about how you and your children can be prepared to make that transition from homeschool to college.

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