9th Grade

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9th Grade

Common Problems with College Prep

The holidays are past (well, except Valentine’s Day!) and your family is back into the swing of homeschool. As you come to the middle of this semester some of the novelty may have worn off those shiny curriculum books. You might be juggling a kindergartener, third grader, AND your high school student – right when your ninth grader starts to struggle with his college preparatory studies. What do you do? Below are three common problem areas for high school students and some ways to address them.

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9th Grade

Pinpointing Potential Careers

How do you know God’s call for your life? For some, it’s a clear message to their heart from a young age. Others find it by trial and error. But many don’t know God’s call simply because they aren’t aware of how to recognize it.

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9th Grade

Planning for Spring(Freshman)

As the holidays approach you and your family are probably taking a few weeks off from school. This is a great way to come into the New Year with fresh perspective and new goals! Rather than add to your to-do list for this busy season, this month’s email will review some of the concepts we’ve shared over the last semester. These will come in handy as you plan for the second half of your student’s freshman year.

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Does That Awana Award Matter?

Homeschooling grants students an incredible opportunity to impact their community. The freedom of a homeschooling schedule allows homeschoolers to do much more with their time than the standard student. Because of this, many homeschoolers graduate high school with both a diploma and an extensive resume.

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What to Expect When It Comes to Testing

Standardized testing: It’s every homeschool parent’s favorite topic… or not! Your ninth grader may not have the ACT or SAT on her radar right now, but that is precisely why this is the best time to prepare. Students who know what to expect on standardized tests are far less likely to be intimidated by them – and far more likely to achieve high scores.

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Big Picture Planning

If there’s one thing homeschool parents view with trepidation, it’s the transition from middle to high school. This season contains a whole new level of accountability and pressure as your child enters his ninth grade year. The grades he achieves, the tests he takes, and the transcript he compiles has the power to determine future decisions about college and career. It’s no wonder parents are nervous about homeschooling the high school years!

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