Share your Stories With Your Kids

David and I have been amazed at how powerful sharing our testimonies has been through the years as we’ve been discipling our children. Telling our stories of grace to our kids has opened a lot of doors for deeper conversations and has provided a lot of teachable moments as they’ve grown.

Telling your story isn’t limited to your salvation story, though. Recounting how God has worked in your life and in your family and sharing wonderful tales of His provision, protection, and direction are incredible ways to share your faith and teach your children diligently. This was something my parents did exceptionally well. Through my growing up years, I saw God high and lifted up more times than I can count.

Despite all the amazing things God did for our family, though, one that always stands out in my mind as I think back was a very small thing that happened when I was too young to even know we had a need.

Mom and dad often told me about a time just before my sister’s first birthday, when they didn’t even have enough money to be able to have a birthday cake or any present to celebrate her at all. In the grand scheme of things, of course, a child’s first birthday celebration isn’t a massive deal, but God cared. He cared about my parents. He cared about my sister. He cared about our family, and He used that small situation to teach us all a huge lesson.

On the day of Kristin’s birthday, a card came in the mail from my great uncle, and in that card was a $5 bill. Never before or after that time did that uncle send anything for a birthday, but God used him at that moment in time to strengthen the faith of my parents, show them His love, and weave a story of His grace into the tapestry of our family.

My parent’s account of that simple situation and how God used it in their lives taught my young heart that God loved me. I came to understand that He loves me so much that He even cares about small things in my life, and He is powerful enough to be trusted to take care of the big things as well.

Growing up in a Christian family did not necessarily strengthen my faith, but growing up in a home where my parents told the stories of God’s work in their lives certainly did.

So, how about you? Why don’t you take a few minutes right now to thank God for your own unique story of redemption and the many things He has done in and for you and your family?

Meditate on your own story and marvel in the wonder of it all. Purpose in your heart to share your stories with your children and anyone else God brings across your path as often and in as many ways as you can. You’ll be amazed at how God will use those stories to strengthen your faith and your family day by day.

This coming week marks a pretty significant milestone for our TTD family. On Tuesday, we’ll be publishing our 100th episode of the Teach Them Diligently podcast, and it will be full of stories of God’s grace through the ministry of Teach Them Diligently. We want to share with you how God has worked through the years, the doors He’s opened, and the mountains He’s moved to allow us to move forward to be able to serve your family and by His grace, point you to Jesus’ plan for you. We’ll also throw in a few of the most stressful and humorous moments through the years just for good measure.

We’re excited to be able to relive and share these stories with you all, and we hope you’ll tune in. Subscribe to the Teach Them Diligently podcast through your favorite podcast provider, so you don’t miss it when it publishes.

We want to hear from you! Submit your podcast questions, topic suggestions, and guest requests and help us make the Teach Them Diligently Podcast great. 

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