This week, we are thrilled to have Mark Hancock, who leads Trail Life USA joining us. Mark is a homeschool dad who knows a lot about how to reach boys and help shepherd them into men after God’s own heart. He has great insight to share with parents and you’ll be excited to hear about the opportunities for your family and even your church through Trail Life. If you have boys– or have boys in your church or co-op, you don’t want to miss this episode.
Trail Life is where boys and men thrive! With more than 40,000 members in nearly 900 Troops across all 50 states, homeschool moms and dads are discovering the power of outdoor adventure and badge-based education to engage boys, nurture faith, and awaken a love for learning. Unshackled from the classroom, boys and dads come to life in an environment where faith and understanding grow naturally. Men love the intentional discipleship time carved out with their sons, as together they plan, work, serve, learn, and experience adventure together — relationships grow, faith becomes real, leadership is learned, and boys grow to become biblically-bold, courageous servant-leaders of faith and character. Learn more at