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The History of Football
Speaker: Cole Regitz Most Christians have heard of the Roman Road, but what was it like to walk the roads in Rome? Join us as we explore Roman gladiators and do a side by side parallel of America’s most influential game. Did you know the Roman gladiator games were so popular that large arenas held […]

The Mystery of Home Education
Speaker: Linda Lacour Hobar Home education isn’t new! Parents have been teaching their children at home since ancient times. But, if you’re new to home education, or in need of a fresh vision for it, you’ll want to join Linda Lacour Hobar for The Mystery of Home Education. As a veteran homeschool mom, the author […]

The Power Source of Men is Knowing Who and Whose You Are
Speaker: Norm Wakefield What defines a man? It’s his identity source. We’ll look for four identity principles that define Jesus. These four principles are at work in every man. They explain why men have become what they are, and provide insight into how a man’s life can be transformed. It’s all a matter of identity […]

The Rise and Fall of Rome—and Why it Matters!
Speaker: Linda Lacour Hobar Most of us have heard of the rise and fall of Rome. But we’re only vaguely familiar with who, what, when, and how this occurred—as well as why it matters! Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of the award-winning series The Mystery of History, for insight into the story of the western […]

The Spirit of Elijah Turns The Heart of Men to God and Family
Speaker: Norm Wakefield In Malachi 4, God says that the Spirit of Elijah will come and when he comes, he will turn the heart of men to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers. Who and what is the Spirit of Elijah? The Spirit of Elijah is the power of God at […]

The Underground History of Education
Speaker: Robyn van Eck With a tip of the hat to the late, great John Taylor Gatto, what is the true history of education, the story you’ve never been told? Do we really owe all we know about education to John Dewey and the ancient Greeks? Learn how we ended up where we are today, […]

The Watchman of Your House
Speaker: Steve Blackston Watchmen are discussed throughout the Bible and used in great ways. They had to remain awake and alert for approaching enemies and warn of impending attack and give those who dwelt outside the walls an opportunity to seek protection and time to secure the gates and man the defenses. The dad is […]

This, We Believe
Speaker: Todd Wilson Dads and moms, in all the busyness of life and swell of expert advice, we’ve forgotten the fundamental truths of homeschooling and family. In short, we’ve forgotten why we do what we do. We have plenty of “how tos” but have forgotten the “why tos” and it evidences itself in our lack […]

Three Power Sources Available in a Man’s Search for Happiness
Speaker: Norm Wakefield Where does the pursuit of happiness lead a man? It will lead him to experience at least two or three sources of power to find the happiness he seeks. What are those power sources and what affect do they have on the man? You’ll discover that two power sources will fail to […]

Thriving with Stories: Helping Students Engage with Literature
Speaker: James R. Hannibal How do we help our students retain what they read and engage with stories to learn more about themselves and their world? Join James R. Hannibal as he teaches you the “story beats” common to every story and the questions your students need to ask before and after they read. Understanding […]

Titanic as an Educational Tool
Speaker: Jodi Justus Educators and parents will discover how the fascinating story of Titanic and her passengers connect curriculum, inspire teachers and engage students in K-12 grade classrooms across the globe. Listen Now

To Grade or Not to Grade – A Practical Look at Grades in Homeschool
Speaker: Linda Lacour Hobar Shaped by our personality types, grades have the power to motivate some and destroy others! So, how do you decide when to grade or not to grade in a homeschool setting? Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, and a veteran homeschool mom, for theories on grade keeping, […]

To Teach or NOT to Teach
Speaker: Kim Sorgius Are we pushing too hard or doing too little? Are we teaching the right things at the right time? Will there be gaps? This session is all about fostering a love of learning while still meeting the academic needs of your kids and keeping the important things in focus. Listen Now

Truth Changes Everything
Speaker: Dr. Jeff Myers From social conflict to purposelessness and lack of identity, the loss of truth affects us every day. Is all hope lost?

Uncover Your Child’s Inner Genius: 5 Tips to Bring Out Their Best
Speaker: Antoinette Lagrossa Do you want your child to love learning and bring out their maximum potential? These five tips that will help you bring the best out of your child. Listen Now

Understanding the Temperaments (And Their Blends)
Speaker: Catherine Zoller “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6) has often been misunderstood as assuring parents of prodigals that they will return to the Lord. However, the verse is more properly translated, “Train….according to their bent, or in […]

Vaccine Mandates for Homeschool Children
Speaker: Bradley Pierce Parents’ right to make medical decisions for their children is under attack. At Heritage Defense, we support vaccine freedom–the right of parents to make informed, voluntary immunization decisions for their children. Our attorneys have been fighting for this and other parental rights for over ten years and we want to use our […]

Virtuous Education: How to Integrate Virtue and Character Formation into Any Program
Speaker: Dr. Thomas McCuddy Parents desire for their children to become good people, yet we spend the majority of time informing them rather than transforming them. In this talk, we will learn about the classic Christian virtues as well as how to bring virtues to the forefront of the education process so that we can […]

Walk by the Way, Teaching Spiritual Truths through Natural Means
Speaker: Ginny Yurich Bring Deuteronomy 6:7 to life! “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Opportunities to teach Biblical truths are all around us. Learn ten practical […]

Weary of the Waiting? Dealing with Disappointment in a God-Honoring Way
Speaker: Cecelia Schmidt Waiting can be hard, and we can become weary and disappointed when our desires are not met. If God is all-powerful and loving, then why do we doubt Him when He doesn’t grant our requests? In this session, we will study God‘s Word to learn how to find joy in the waiting […]