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Standing in the Land of Giants: Four Ways to Grow our Children as Leaders
Speaker: Dr. Jeff Myers We daily face giants of culture that cause our kids to lose hope instead of embracing God’s promises. How do we

Starting a Trail Life Outdoor Education Troop in Your Homeschool
Speaker: Mark Hancock Engage dads and ignite a love for learning in boys through outdoor adventure and badge-based education. Discover the Trail Life difference! Join us as we share how your church or homeschool group can help boys thrive by layering adventure based education into your homeschool curriculum. Listen Now

Starting Homeschooling with Confidence
Speaker: THEA Panel Considering homeschooling? In this session a panel of speakers will talk about basic recommendations for how to get started homeschooling, tips for how to set your first year up for success, resources you can use to find your local community, choose curriculum, and more. Will also discuss details about how to legally […]

Step Back and Relax
Speaker: Peggy Alier Stressed out trying to balance schooling, extra-curriculars, home life, church, and a zillion other things? Take a break and learn some tips and techniques to help de-stress, prioritize, and get better sleep. Listen Now

Stop Yelling, Lecturing, & Power Struggles
Speaker: Kirk Martin Do you need help calming your explosive household? Tired of yelling at, negotiating with and bribing your child? Do you want your child to take responsibility for his school work, chores and attitude? It’s time to stop the yelling, arguing and power struggles with toddlers and teens. Moms, it’s not your job […]

Strong Marriages for Healthy, Homeschooling Environments
Speaker: Scott LaPierre Homeschooling children can flourish when parents have strong, healthy marriages. Conversely, children suffer when there’s conflict between Mom and Dad. Learn how parents can have relationships that allow children to prosper, not just academically, but emotionally and spiritually. Listen Now

Taming Your Child’s Tongue
Speaker: Ginger Hubbard Are you ever embarrassed or shocked by what comes out of your child’s mouth? Based on her newest book, I Can’t Believe You Just Said That, Ginger provides a practical, three-step plan to reach beyond the behaviors of tongue-related struggles—such as lying, defying, and manipulating—to address your child’s heart. After all, as […]

Teaching Boys to Love Reading & Writing
Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young So many parents ask, “Why doesn’t my son enjoy reading? Why does he hate writing? He ought to love them!” But boys often struggle with reading at the start, and writing is another challenge. This session, we look at how boys learn differently; how to help them read better, read […]

Technology: How to Create Positive Social Footprint
Speaker: Connie Albers If you are like most parents, you are concerned about what your kids might post online. Social media is a powerful platform that isn’t going away. While more and more kids seek relationships online, you can teach them how to create a positive profile that helps influence the next generation. Connie Albers […]

Technology’s Influence Over Beliefs and Behaviors
Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch Understanding how technology influences children’ beliefs and behaviors will change your approach to both technology and their foolishness and disobedience. It’s the root of some of your biggest concerns (e.g., complaining, pride, anger, depression, poor decision making). Learn communication patterns that matter and practical things to do to help children mature […]

Ten Great Adventures from World History
Speaker: Solomon Schmidt Join 18-year-old published author, Solomon Schmidt, as he tells the remarkable stories of ten amazing voyages, journeys, and expeditions from history. Come learn about some of the most daring and courageous people who ever lived, as they journeyed into the most dangerous environments on earth, from the lonesome expanse of the Pacific […]

That’s Impossible!
Speaker: Mike Snavely The presence of instinct in animals provides some of the best evidence for original design in nature. All creatures have it, and the wide array of abilities is staggering! However, it doesn’t stop there. From instinct we move on to symbiotic relationships, particularly “mutualism”, which is nothing short of impossible from a […]

The Amazing Scientific Accuracy of the Bible
Speaker: Kevin Conover According to recent research, 72% of Generation Z, those born between 2000-2015, don’t believe that church teachings and science are compatible. This session will cover 7 amazing scientific facts recorded in the Bible thousands of years before modern science discovered them, demonstrating that the God of the Bible is the God of […]

The Art of Story Telling: Developing Discernment in an Age of Dystopian Disorder
Speaker: Dr. Mark Hamby The themes of love, compassion, courage, and friendship that dystopian heroes promise as the new rule of order sound good in a story but they do not work in the real world. Love without absolute truth leads to hypocrisy and eventually, oppression. Some may argue that dystopian stories demonstrate sacrificial love […]

The Benefits of Hands-on Learning (Hint: It makes you smarter!)
Speaker: Penny Mayes The Benefits of Hands-on Learning (Hint: It makes you smarter!) Listen Now

The Biblical Basis for Parental Rights
Speaker: Israel Wayne Who owns the children? Does the state have a compelling interest in your child’s education? What are your rights as a homeschooling parent? What does the Bible teach about parental rights vs. the control of the State? Develop a Biblical theology of parental rights. Listen Now

The Busy Mom’s Homeschool Survival Guide: Because It’s a Jungle Out There!
Speaker: Heidi St. John“I’m overwhelmed!” “My kids are going to have gaps in their education.” “Everything depends on me.” “I’ve failed too many times.” “I

The Charlotte Mason Approach – An Introduction
Speaker: Dr. Sandi Queen What is a “living book?” How can “copywork” really be that effective?” “How do I fit nature study into our day – and why do I want to?” “What about math, language arts, and other ‘core’ subjects?” Dr. Sandi Queen, award winning author of over 400 books for Charlotte Mason style […]

The Dyslexic Learner (Igniting the Brilliant Dyslexic Brain)
Speaker: Dr. Rebecka Spencer Unlock your child’s brilliance and DISCOVER some ways TODAY to help your child succeed with JOY! Teach struggling learners for the Win. Understand how your student’s brilliant dyslexic brain functions, the why behind it, and what you can do right now to help! Focus on the child and how he or […]

The Hidden Gift of Homeschooling with Chronic Illness
Speaker: Aimee Smith Have you wondered if you should quit homeschooling because of your illness or other chronic problem? Homeschooling is hard, but homeschooling with chronic illness can feel downright impossible. In the midst of the struggle, however, a hidden gift exists. This gift will help you do more than merely survive. Your struggle might […]