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Parenting in the Digital Age
Speaker: Katy Morgan Do your children throw a fit if you take away the phone, tablet, or TV? Do you find that they tune you out because they are so engrossed in their devices? Are your teens anxious without their devices in hand? Do you find it difficult to limit your kids’ technology use because…well, […]

Parenting Tweens and Pre-teens
Speaker: Hal & Melanie Young The turmoil of the tween/preteen years between nine and thirteen usually catches parents by surprise. Diligent students become addled and distracted. Kids raised in church start questioning the existence of God. Sweet-spirited children climb on an emotional rollercoaster – and then invite you to join them. Don’t get a ticket […]

Passing on the Torch
Speaker: Mike Snavely The goal of Christianity is not only salvation, but growth and discipleship. It falls to the Christians of every generation to mature in the faith, and figure out the best way to faithfully and successfully pass that “torch” to the next generation. Each generation and culture must understand the importance and pertinence […]

PASSOVER Seder Workshop
Speaker: Carla Joy Clements Passover: An Appointed Time on God’s Biblical Calendar. Experience the retelling of God’s miraculous story (Exd1-15). Workshop will help you & your children prepare a family Passover Seder in your home. Beautifully highlights Yeshua (Jesus) as “the Lamb of God” crucified on Passover (John19:14). Messiah in the grave during Feast of […]

Perspective is Everything
Speaker: Rachael Carman As you consider how to go forward in your homeschooling journey, where are you standing? Are you on the field or in the stands or in the blimp? It matters. What is obstructing your view? Who’s on your team? Where is the finish line? How can you best proceed? Why are you […]

Post-Pandemic Parenting and Homeschooling
Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young Working from home, learning from home, spending more time with the family – pandemic policies shouldn’t affect homeschoolers that much, right? WRONG – many of our own kids are struggling with social anxiety, depression, and declining mental health, in ways we didn’t expect! Meanwhile, more families are homeschooling and the […]

Preparing Your Students for College (It’s easier than you might think.)
Speaker: Pat Wesolowski How can a parent be sure their students are prepared for life after high school? When do you begin preparing and what all do you need to do in order to be sure your students are prepared for college? With intention and well-planning, it is not difficult to homeschool your high school […]

Q&A with Kirk Cameron
Speaker: Kirk Cameron Q&A with Kirk Cameron Listen Now

Quiet Time Skills for Women
Speaker: Misty Brown Once riddled with daily anxiety, Misty is now spending time daily with Jesus and being made whole. Her passion is to be a disciple, who goes and makes disciples; to help women let go of their fears, and be filled with the truths of God’s Word. She will share how using the […]

Raise Them Up, Don’t Crush Them Down
Speaker: Dr. Mark Hamby Children need to hear the beating of our hearts rather than the beating of our voices. Listen to their words and you will discover their heart. Rules can change behavior, but not their heart. Discipline is necessary for purposeful disobedience, but irritating character flaws are transformed by truth and loving correction. […]

Raising Godly Boys: The Four-Step Proven Process for Growing Boys into Godly Men
Speaker: Mark Hancock Boys are in trouble. Hear Mark Hancock, Homeschool Dad, Mental Health Counselor, and CEO of Trail Life USA talk about proven processes for helping to pull boys out of the cultural mire that seems to want to declare them deficient. If you have a boy in your home or are leading boys, […]

Raising Godly Girls in a Post-Christian America
Speaker: Patti Garibay By coming alongside churches and Christian schools across the country, American Heritage Girls is transforming the hearts and minds of girls ages 5 to 18, their parents, and the communities in which they live. With much success in raising Godly women under our belt, AHG was excited to launch the Raising Godly […]

Raising Godly Kids
Speaker: Tricia Goyer Learn the “9 Principles of Influence” that will transform your parenting. Too often, we stress over the small stuff and miss the more important priorities of raising godly kids. Be inspired to parent well from YOUR strengths in YOUR daily life. Listen Now

Reaching the Heart of Your Child
Speaker: Ginger Hubbard Based on Ginger’s best-selling book, Don’t Make Me Count to Three! There is far more to parenting than getting children to “act” right. We have to get them to “think” right and to be motivated out of a love of virtue rather than a fear of punishment. Ginger equips parents to reach […]

Refocus on Marriage–(For Ladies Only!)
Speaker: Leslie Nunnery The world is full of messaging that breeds discontent— your finances are not enough, your opportunities are not enough, your marriage is not enough, etc. Instagram and Facebook absolutely breed that discontent and encourage us to lean into it and feast on it. So, it’s time to refocus our hearts and minds […]

Remain Steadfast During High School
Speaker: Connie Albers Your teen is changing, and they need you to stay the course through the most critical years of your homeschooling journey? While they struggle to figure out life, your steadiness helps them navigate the adulting process with less stress and great confidence. When you understand how to navigate the high school years, […]

Responding Biblically to Fear, Worry, and Anxiety
Speaker: Lisa Schmidt Most of us know that worry is wrong, so we disguise it with different terms like, “concerned,” “troubled,” or “bothered.” Regardless of the term used, worry saps our energy, drains our joy, destroys evangelism, and even aggravates many physical ailments. The Bible is clear that worry is sinful, idolatrous, and a sign […]

Scripture Memory Solutions for Busy Homeschool Moms
Speaker: Dakota Lynch You’re busy. In fact, you’re probably so busy that adding Scripture memory to your daily routine sounds impossible. In this workshop, we’ll explore how to make Scripture memorization an enjoyable and manageable part of your homeschool. Listen Now

Sparking Curiosity and Delight in Childhood
Speaker: Amber Johnston When children show strong abilities in one area or another, the adults in their lives often encourage them to pursue hobbies and careers that play off those strengths. That may certainly be an advantage, but sometimes the strategy can leave children feeling incomplete. In this session, we’ll explore a path that supports […]

Speaker: Mike Snavely While most people’s negative reaction to spiders is understandable, those willing to suspend their disgust long enough for a closer look will discover a hidden world of incredible design! Not only do spiders benefit us by consuming massive quantities of insect pests, they do so using ingenious tactics. Some hunt and pounce, […]