The search will take you site-wide, so include PigeonForge2022 if you want to only search these sessions. The audios are sorted alphabetically.

Homeschooling with a Broken Spirit
Speaker: Dennis Gundersen Homeschool Moms have a busy life! The comprehensive, multi-faceted work of it all can become overwhelming. If you, or a mother you know, have ever found yourself depressed, this is the workshop for you. As Don Francisco sang, “It ain’t sin to get the blues”, but it’s not a pleasure, either. When […]

Homeschooling With Insight
Speaker: Jennifer Pepito In this workshop we will discover how taking the time to identify your own personality style and that of your children can make your homeschool rhythm more simple, effective, and peaceful. Many homeschool days are disrupted when we assume that our children will relate to the world in the same way that […]

Homeschooling: The Long Haul – Determination, Motivation, and Inspiration to Starting and Finishing Strong
Speaker: September McCarthy Planning to succeed in your Homeschool journey and staying motivated takes perseverance and inspiration. September will help you start strong and learn when to pivot your plan or stay the course to finish well. Listen Now

Homesteading as Homeschool: How to Get Started
Speaker: Nathan Ahlstrom This session will driving into the how-to aspects of homesteading and how this way of living connects with home education. Listen Now

Hope for the Overwhelmed Homeschool Parents
Speaker: Terrie McKee Are you overwhelmed with all.the.things? Homeschool, home, therapies, marriage, cleaning, planning, trying to fit some Bible in there too–it’s a never-ending cycle. It doesn’t have to be this way, though. In this practical, biblical session, Terrie McKee will examine how biblical characters handled stress and overwhelming situations. Participants will learn how to […]

How do I Raise my Son to be a True Gentleman and Make Sure my Daughter Knows how to Find One?
Speaker: Monica Irvine Imagine what it will feel like, as you watch your son, even while he is young, be an example to those around him of what a true gentleman looks like, acts like and is. His focus is on others. He notices without effort when someone near him is in need, and then […]

How Do We Address the Topic of Evolution?
Speaker: Cathryn Sterling Darwinian evolution is one of the most damaging ideas that threatens our children’s faith. It can be intimidating to address in our homeschooling, but it is possible to teach our children how to combat this idea. Listen Now

How NOT to Lose Your Teens
Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young When you get to the end of your homeschooling and your child leaves home, things get real. At that point, the only thing you’ll have is relationship: their relationship with God and their relationship with you. Learn about encouraging research that highlights the critical importance of relationships in the spiritual […]

How to Encourage Your Artistic Child Without Surrendering Them to the World
Speaker: Heather Bitterling This session will explore ways that you can develop and support your child’s artistic giftings without exposing them to teachers and content that rejects a Biblical worldview. It is not necessary to compromise your beliefs to pursue these creative outlets. The world needs artists that are communicating truth! You will leave with […]

How to Foster Responsibility in Your Homeschool
Speaker: Kim Sorgius You can’t do everything, but that’s a good thing because responsibility is one of the most important skills kids can learn. In this session, we will explore practical ways to get your kids to take ownership and how to make sure nothing falls through the cracks in the process. Listen Now

How to Help Kids and Teens Study the Bible and Grow in Faith
Speaker: Kim Sorgius Whether you have toddlers or teens, we all have a desire to see our kids walk with the Lord and grow in faith. In this session, we will explore fun and simple ways to teach your kids to have regular devotional study, a meaningful prayer life, and engaging family discussions. Listen Now

How to Raise Motivated Learners
Speaker: Dollie Freeman Discover the key to motivating your children, regardless of the subject, tasks, or requirement that will empower them to willingly take ownership of what is asked of them, even if they find it difficult or challenging in the beginning. Listen Now

How to Write a Hero’s Journey Story
Speaker: Bryan Davis This is a writing workshop in which I describe the nuts and bolts of building a hero’s journey story, which is the most popular story structure for young readers and writers. I give examples from currently published novels and analyze why these stories work. I also have an interactive time with the […]

Identifying Your Child’s Learning Style and Teaching To It
Speaker: Dr. Sandi Queen Homeschool pioneer Dr. Sandi Queen has been homeschooling her own six children since 1986, and is still homeschooling today. Early on, she discovered that what worked for one child did not necessarily work for another, and started to research different learning styles, and how to best teach each type of learner […]

Identity: Who Do Your Children Think They Are and Why Does It Matter?
Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch How children see and define themselves matters greatly because identity controls behavior. How do they think of themselves? Overwhelmed, stressed, talented, passionate, creative, bored? Who they think they are is who they will be. Identity influences children’s relationships, academics, future, hopes, beliefs, and so much more. Learn how to parent so […]

Incredible Evidence of a Worldwide Flood
Speaker: Kevin Conover If there really was a Noah’s Flood, what kind of evidence would we expect to find? Explore evidence from all over the world that the flood recorded in the Bible was a real historical event. From geological formations that could only have been formed by massive amounts of water, to marine fossil […]

Interpreting Our Nation’s National Parks
Speaker: Patrick Nurre Our national parks are a great place to study history, but also science! This seminar focuses on three of our most famous national parks from a young-earth perspective – Yellowstone, Yosemite and Petrified Forest – and helps you see a new way of understanding their amazing features, from a Biblical perspective. Listen […]

Introduction to Electronics – Hands On Best Practices for introducing a STEM based technology program into your curriculum
Speaker: Jason Lukawitz Although electronics can seem daunting, this session will introduce you to some best practices that you can use in your own classroom to implement a technology based program that you and your children can work at and learn together. During the session you will be hands on building a small project that […]

Is College (Still) Worth It? Data-driven insights to support the next generation
Speaker: Dr. Tim Rees Does the old axiom that if you have a college degree you will earn a half million dollars more over your lifetime than if you only have a high school diploma still hold true? Aren’t colleges just raising the price every year and forcing students further into student loan debt? Isn’t […]

Is It Enough?
Speaker: Rebecca Spooner How do you know that you are doing enough? The pressure to do it right, not mess up your kids, and fill in all the gaps is coming from all sides—often to the detriment of our children. This session is all about permission: permission to make homeschooling what it needs to be […]