The search will take you site-wide, so include PigeonForge2022 if you want to only search these sessions. The audios are sorted alphabetically.

Faith, Service, Fun
Speaker: Patti Garibay American Heritage Girls was founded around a kitchen table in 1995 by a group of parents living in Cincinnati, Ohio. Their frustration with the way their beloved scouting organization was handling matters of faith and culture led to a vision of a fun-filled, Christ-centered, service-oriented, outdoor emphasized educational opportunity for girls. The […]

Feed Your Child’s Mind, Don’t Just Exercise It
Speaker: Sonya Shafer Do you ever feel like you’re going through the motions of school, but the joy has gone out of learning? The problem might be that your curriculum isn’t feeding your student’s mind, it’s just exercising his mind. All exercise and no nourishment would starve anyone’s enthusiasm! In this session discover what food […]

Finding and Keeping Your Joy in Parenting
Speaker: Scott LaPierre Have you noticed that even though the Bible says children are blessings they can make life harder and feel like a burden? Want to be encouraged about your children and enjoy parenting more? Come listen to author and father of nine, Scott LaPierre, as he helps brings more joy to your parenting […]

Finding Lasting Financial Peace
Speaker: Scott LaPierre Wish you had more money? Do finances often stress you out and cause marital issues? Do you want to learn how to best use the money you have? Come listen to the author of Your Finances God’s Way, Scott LaPierre, as he gives you many practical and biblical insights so you can […]

Five Flavors of Homeschooling
Speaker: Sonya Shafer The world of homeschooling is a lot like the world of food. You know that you want to provide nutritious meals for your children’s minds, but there are so many possibilities for what that food could look like and taste like. Join Sonya for a simple overview of five main flavors of […]

Food Science: Careers and Cooking
Speaker: Dale Cox Every wonder why apples brown, bread rises, or egg whites turn white? How is bacon cured and what are egg yolks doing in mayonnaise? What is BHT, and what is it doing in my food? Professional food scientist Dale Cox has the answers. Come for a fun filled session where you can […]

From Boys to Men: The Goal is Not Well Behaved Children but Godly Adults
Speaker: Jeff Reep This practical session will cover the importance of determining your priorities and then managing those You will hear a Biblical perspective on parenting, firmly rooted in the belief that God gives instruction in Scripture and the Holy Spirit empowers parents by His grace to carry out the instructions. After raising 5 boys […]

From Diapers To Diplomas: Secrets to Starting Strong and Finishing with Joy
Speaker: Heidi St. John Homeschooling is a marathon- not a sprint. Too many start at a sprinter’s pace, burn out quickly and stagger hopelessly toward the finish line. Veteran homeschool mom of seven, Heidi St John knows what it takes to “run the race with perseverance keeping our eyes on Jesus.” Learn how to start […]

God Made You For “Such a Time as This”
Speaker: Joie Harber Whether it’s a season of survival mode, success, or doubt, God has a purpose for you, your marriage, your homeschool, and (most importantly) your children’s souls. Are you ready to move from feeling inadequate to empowered? Join Joie as we conquer our fears and learn how to put God’s word in our […]

Hearing and Understanding God’s Call on Your Life
Speaker: Dr. Jeff Myers “Follow your dreams.” “Discover your passion.” “Take some time to find yourself.” The culture is full of hideous advice such as

Help! Can’t That Child Hear Me? Auditory Processing Disorder
Speaker: Dr. Rebecka Spencer This Auditory Processing workshop is sure to answer your lingering questions as to why your struggling learner seems to consistently leave tasks unfulfilled or demonstrate a hearing issue. After completing this session, the busy home school mom/teacher will not only understand the WHY behind Auditory Processing Disorders, but also have all […]

Help! I’m Running on Empty!!!
Speaker: Dana Blomberg The term “”Homeschooling Mom”” means everything from preschool teacher to chemistry lab technician, from chief cook and bottle washer to Biblical Counselor and everything in between. And then there is maintaining my walk with the Lord, a healthy marriage, church involvement, piano lessons, soccer practice…how do I maintain while fulfilling several full-time […]

Helping Mom Craft a Creative and Thoughtfully Designed Curriculum
Speaker: Julia Nalle Is your head spinning with all the homeschooling lingo? Charlotte Mason. Classical. Unschooling. Traditional. Come discover why one style does not have to fit all. Depending upon your child’s bent, age, grade, learning challenges or interests, mom can a la carte with purpose. Julia Nalle shares from teaching her own children and […]

Helping the ADD / ADHD Child
Speaker: Israel Wayne If you have a hyperactive or easily distractible child, you won’t want to miss this informative and sometimes humorous message that shares stories from his experience as an ADHD child himself. You will receive practical and Biblical insights into ADD/ADHD and will be encouraged that there is hope for your child! Listen […]

Helping Your Teen Find a Career Path
Speaker: Matthew Bullington What do you do if your teen has no idea what major/career they want to pursue? Or maybe they have an idea, but you’re not sure they really understand what’s involved (or the likelihood of getting a job)? In this session we’ll give you a 3-step framework to help your teen explore […]

Hide ’em Under A Bush…Oh No!
Speaker: Rebecca Spooner In today’s culture, there is a lot of pressure to shield our children from the internet, media, and even people. Danger seems to be lurking around every corner, and the burning question on every parent’s mind seems to be, “How can we protect our children?” What if the answer wasn’t in protecting […]

Homeschool Art – Is it Worth the Mess?
Speaker: Sarah Harmeling Art can be messy and throw us off our regular schedule and routine. Is it worth it? Yes!! The benefits of including art for ALL children are compelling. This workshop will convince you of the value of learning, appreciating, and creating art for your children AND give suggestions of how to include […]

Homeschooling During Difficult Times
Speaker: Dr. Sandi Queen In this session, Dr. Sandi Queen shares how, during her youngest son’s 3 1/2 year battle with cancer, and her own diagnosis two years into her son’s struggle, the Lord allowed her to continue to not only persevere through daily life in a busy household and care for her ailing son, […]

Homeschooling from a Biblical Worldview
Speaker: Israel Wayne Are your children prepared to face the “Real World”? Learn how to equip your children to stand against the flood of secularism that threatens to drown them. What is your worldview? How are you going to transfer it to your children? Will you be more effective than the media and popular culture? […]

Homeschooling Isn’t The Answer
Speaker: Rachael Carman Bummer isn’t it. Wouldn’t it be nice if homeschooling was the answer? I mean, wouldn’t it be nice if all of the problems in our families could be solved with good family time and great curriculum? Wouldn’t it be great if all we had to do was adopt a certain daily schedule, […]