The search will take you site-wide, so include PigeonForge2022 if you want to only search these sessions. The audios are sorted alphabetically.

Building Sibling Relationships
Speaker: Sheri Seligson One big parenting challenge we face involves fostering relationships between our children. We want them to be close, but those dreams can be hard to imagine amidst the continuous assertions of “Not me. HE did it!” In this workshop, Sherri shares 6 key ways she used (some accidentally) to navigate sibling relationships […]

Can We Write More, Please?!
Speaker: Tricia Goyer Easy activities to get your kids and teens writing. Lots of ideas your kids will love! Listen Now

Choosing a Major/College/Career: It’s Better to get it Right than Fast
Speaker: Jeff Reep In light of the fact that 66% of college students change their majors more than once and on the day of graduation 40% of college graduates wish they had a different major, it’s important to start early and take this decision seriously. Individuals often make decisions without much thought and with limited […]

Choosing the Soundtracks of Your Life
Speaker: Sonya Shafer The thoughts that repeatedly play in your mind become the soundtracks of your life, and those soundtracks greatly affect how you view and respond to situations. Join Sonya for a look at how you can choose powerful soundtracks and build biblical playlists through Scripture memory. She will walk you through a simple […]

College Prep 101: How to Use Your Time So You Can Have a Life in College
Speaker: Mark Pruitt Time Management is THE BIGGEST challenge for every student. Learn ways to get more done in less time so you can have a blast in college. Listen Now

College Tools Simplified
Speaker: Matthew Bullington The number of standardized exam and expedited credit options has grown dramatically over the past several years. It can be overwhelming to determine what tools you should be utilizing (and when). In this workshop we’ll categorize and simplify the different options your teen has when it comes to standardized exams and college […]

Courtship & Dating: So What’s the Difference?
Speaker: Dennis Gundersen Families hear much about courtship these days, but often lack clear ideas as to the differences between a dating approach and the courtship concept. We want to spare our children the pitfalls of the modern dating tradition, but often don’t know how to explain to them how courtship works! This workshop gives […]

Create a LANGUAGE IMMERSION Homeschool—even if You Only Know English!
Speaker: Adelaide Olguin Want a foreign language to be a part of your homeschool? But your family is either stuck learning vocab words instead of immersing yourself in the language by talking in it together or the whole idea of learning a foreign language is super overwhelming? I grew up monolingual and learned to conjugate […]

Creating A Grateful Home: Way Beyond Please and Thank You!
Speaker: David Nunnery Gratitude is so powerful in the heart of a believer. It will transform your home, your heart, and your mind. It will improve your platform for teaching, heal your marriage, and so much more. Listen Now

Creating Servants at any Age
Speaker: Barry PettyJohn As our days zoom on by, and the world around us seems to be more chaotic, there is one constant that remains – Our children need us! No, not just for food, shelter, and clothing. They need us for the Milk and the Meat! Join me for this exciting walk through ways […]

Discipline with Love so We Don’t Break Our Child’s Spirit
Speaker: Monica Irvine I know you have felt the pain of regret when you have had a moment of failure when discipling your children. I know many of you are fighting against habits you learned from your parents that you swore you would never do. I know you want to parent with love, honor & […]

Discipline: Get Your Kids to Listen the First Time
Speaker: Kirk Martin Instead of being drawn into power struggles, yelling and giving meaningless consequences, Kirk will show you 10 ways to discipline with dignity so kids listen to, respect, and trust you. – Stop the whining, complaining and tantrums. – Get kids to listen when they are loud in the car or interrupt on […]

Dollars & Sense
Speaker: Charla McKinley Our children will spend less than a quarter of their lives in our homes. As parents we have a narrow window to prepare them for the road ahead. As with any skill, our children need more than just lectures about money and learning by your example. Financial illiteracy has the power to […]

Dual Enrollment: When, Where, Why and How?
Speaker: Stephen Buettell There’s a national trend for students to take college classes while still in high school at increasingly younger ages. This presentation will provide an overview of how parents can know if their child is “college-ready” and what students should consider before enrolling in a dual credit course. Listen Now

Dyslexia 101 – What Is Dyslexia?
Speaker: Holly Jo Hightchew There are a lot of misconceptions out there. This presentation will help parents understand what dyslexia is, what is looks like and how it affects our children. Information will be presented in terms the whole family can understand. You will leave this seminar with valuable information, but more importantly, with hopefulness […]

Easy Ways to Integrate the Power of Story Songs
Speaker: Marlene Dickinson Jesus taught using stories/Parables. The Creator knows well the power of story and music to transform us. Learning truth through story songs creates meaningful memories for Students. We will explore tips for finding and integrating easy, memorable songs designed to lock in Biblical principles for a lifetime. Listen Now

Equipping for Cultural Engagement: How to Turn (Scary) Conversations into Discipleship Opportunities
Speaker: Kelsey Reed Raising children in the Age of Information presents challenges like none other. Throw adolescence into the mix and the stakes immediately rise. This pivotal moment in discipleship deserves care and attention – not to mention well-honed tools. Whether you are a parent of teens or getting ready for that developmental stage in […]

Eradicating All Learning Challenges!
Speaker: Linda Kane Don’t LIVE WITH learning challenges and labels. ERADICATE THEM! There is nothing more difficult than not knowing how to help your struggling child. Linda will give you reasons for the struggles, and activities to stimulate the brain to produce lasting change. God created us with a specific blueprint to follow. Anything missed […]

Evening of Real Refreshment — Mom’s Night
Speaker: Rachael Carman This evening is for MOMS ONLY! Dads will need to plan to get the children in bed, so mom can enjoy a night of fellowship and encouragement! (You will be REALLY glad you did!!) Listen Now

Every Dad a Homeschooling Dad!
Speaker: Todd Wilson You may not crack open a book, work through a curriculum, or call it school, but it’s your job to train your children. Join me as we look at the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of training our children. Now don’t worry, I won’t make you feel guilty or give you a forty-six […]