Contributions to Homeschool Subjects
We love to highlight the resources and articles from our partners, and we have the perfect vehicle to do that each week in our Homeschool Subjects newsletter. In each edition, we feature a Big Idea article, what you missed, a list of recommended links to help jump-start a homeschool family’s week, and a highlighted resource along with partner vignettes. It’s our prayer that this weekly newsletter will become a can’t skip part of each homeschool family’s week. Won’t you join us? Leave your resources and links below, and we’ll highlight them in a Homeschool Subjects soon. Keep scrolling to the bottom of the page to hit SUBMIT to make sure we receive your submissions. • Resources will be chosen based on how they fit within the theme of the week and the overall mission of Teach Them Diligently and the Homeschool Subjects newsletter.